Next GeoRabble Perth – 7th September

By on 29 August, 2017


The next GeoRabble Perth has been announced, taking place on Thursday 7th September. This is the student edition and includes talks from the following speakers:

  • Suzy Urbaniak: Geoscience, Education and STEM – What’s happening and where is it going…
  • Tristan Reed: Coding, Kids and Apps

More to be announced soon!

What ignited your passion for all things geo?

We’re inviting newbies to the Perth geo-scene to share their stories about what got them on path to geo-enlightenment. Join the friendly Perth Rabble to share your passion for geo.

And for old hat Rabbers – tap a local geo-newby you know to come along and join the crew.

Doors open 5:30pm, Presentations from 6:00 pm
Universal Bar, 221 William St, Northbridge

A handful speakers, 10 minutes each, a room full of ‘rabblers, and the usual rules
Attendance is free, but for catering purposes please help our hosts by registering here

Follow @georabble on twitter or use the hashtag #georabbleper to join the conversation.

We can’t hold these events without the help of the greater Geocommunity! Please contact us if you’d like to be a part of sponsoring a future event or get involved in helping organise an event.

This event brought to you by the Perth GeoRabble team and sponsored our friends @ Spookfish.

What is GeoRabble? 

GeoRabble is about celebrating the every day challenges and triumphs of working with location. Everything from the mundane to the glamorous, whatever gets your GeoRocks off.

We are a group of geo-obsessed people who want to celebrate the real work done by other geo-obsessed people, unfiltered by professional bodies, government and private company agendas and industry politics.

Anything to do with GeoTech, GeoDev, GeoBusiness, GeoTrends, GeoFutures, – you name it, as long as you’re passionate and want to share your challenges, triumphs, frustrations and pride in the work that you do.

GeoRabble is here to connect, inspire and really have some fun with what is the coolest tech around – and if you don’t believe that, then GeoRabble is not for you.

… but if it is then be sure to sign up for one of our coming events!

GeoRabble Rules

The purpose of GeoRabble is to have fun, share and inspire. There are a few simple rules:

  1. Celebrate each others’ triumphs
  2. Respect each others’ choice – no technology bigotry
  3. No sales pitches – this includes services, software, data etc.
  4. No company logos or ‘about us’ slides
  5. Keep it short – 10 minutes per talk

Kick-starting GeoRabble was the joint idea of Francisco Urbina, Stephen Lead, Tim Leigh, Brett Madsen, Hugh Saalmans and Maurits van der Vlugt, but we invite anyone and everyone to get on board.

Thinking of starting your own Rabble? It’s easy:

  • GeoRabble events are organised locally
  • Contact the original founders at with your proposed event details
  • Provided the event is consistent with the GeoRabble principles, we will provide you with:
    • Moral support, tips and advice
    • Use of the GeoRabble name and logo for the event
    • Access to the Blog, Twitter and Facebook accounts to help promote your event
    • Access to the Eventbrite account to manage registrations

For more details, read the GeoRabble Manifesto. Good luck, you’ll enjoy it!

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