The organisers of the XXV FIG International Congress 2014, to be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 16-21 June 2014, have issued a call for papers.
The theme of the congress is ‘Engaging the Challenges – Enhancing the Relevance.’ The call for papers applies to both peer-reviewed papers (due 1 November 2013) and non-peer-reviewed papers (due 1 December 2013).
The technical programme of the XXV FIG International Congress 2014 will include a broad professional and scientific programme. During the four consecutive days, there will be up to 10 parallel sessions and workshops, showcasing more than 700 presentations from across the broad surveying profession.
The carefully prepared technical programme will offer both specially invited high-profile presentations and papers that are selected through the open call for papers procedure. Submission of abstracts will open at the end of August 2013.
The Congress is hosted by the International Federation of Surveyors, FIG and the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia (PEJUTA) as the local host. The main partners of this Congress are the partnering agencies and bodies of United Nations and the World Bank, allied international and regional professional and non-governmental organisations are also supporting this FIG Congress in 2014.
A wise man once remarked, “In every failure, therein lies the seed of achievement.” FIG chose this year’s theme – ‘Engaging the Challenges – Enhancing the Relevance’ – because it believes that, for surveyors worldwide, “in every challenge, therein lies the seed of enhancing relevance.”
You can learn more about the conference at or view the submission guidelines here [pdf].