FARO looks to expand into Australian market

By on 12 December, 2016

FARO’s Australia and New Zealand team.


3D measurement specialists, FARO, have just opened its first Australian office in Brisbane. FARO are known in surveying, GIS and construction circles for their high-grade terrestrial scanners and point cloud and modelling software packages, used for everything from construction to forensics.


FARO’s Focus range of compact laser scanners. The newest addition is the Focuss scanner (left).

The new office was launched in Brisbane in November with a series of presentations and demonstrations showcasing FARO’s diverse capabilities for a range of industries.

The move into Australia is part of FARO’s long-term growth plan and to increase its footprint in Asia Pacific. FARO’s customer base in Australia and New Zealand has already been growing, thanks to the Singapore office and local distributors.

“With a team of experienced and technically sound personnel, FARO Australia is able to provide pre-sales consultation, technical support, product support and sales support directly to the customers,” said Mr Quah Beng Chieh, Head of Marketing, FARO Asia Pacific.

“The Brisbane office is primarily a sales office, supported by the Asia Headquarters in Singapore for non-sales support such as financial, operation, marketing and logistics,” he said


FARO will deliver hands-on training in the region with a dedicated team of staff.

With the establishment of FARO Australia, the company hopes to gain stronger foothold into core industries such as construction, BIM/CIM, architecture, forensics, manufacture and—in particular— mining.
“FARO recognises the prominence of the mining industry in Australia,” Mr Quah elaborated. “We have developed a tailored market approach to ensure effective penetration into this market.”

FARO’s global headquarters are located in Lake Mary, Florida, and has offices in over twenty countries across the world.

In Australia, FARO will continue to work alongside local survey equipment distributors to deliver customer needs.

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