Celebrating women in the spatial, space sectors

By on 8 March, 2023

Clockwise from top left: Suelynn Choy, Anna Riddell, Elizabeth Pearce and Peta Cox.

On International Women’s Day, we’re proud to profile four outstanding Australian professionals who have forged very different career paths within the spatial and space sectors.

It’s without a doubt that our industry still has quite a long way to go to attain equal gender representation in the workforce. Achieving a more diverse workforce comprising members who have a wide variety of skills and outlooks, can only be a good thing for the industry and for the nation as a whole.

We invite you to take the time to read our International Women’s Day 2023 interviews (click the links), and be inspired by the stories of these four individuals:

Suelynn Choy, Professor of Satellite Navigation at RMIT University.

Peta Cox, National Training and Development Manager for the Association of Consulting Surveyors National.

Anna Riddell, Acting Director for the GNSS Analysis section at Geoscience Australia.

Elizabeth Pearce, who is Deputy Director, Strategy and Integration, Office of the Chief Technology Officer, in the Australian Space Agency.

The wide range in backgrounds, educational paths and job experiences of our four interviewees demonstrate that there is no one, set path to achieving professional success. Determination and enthusiasm are key.

You might also like to read two recent articles on how and why to boost diversity in your organisation’s workforce:

Inclusion for innovation in spatial and surveying

The SSS-DLN Diversity and Inclusion Accord

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