California LiDAR mapping project one step closer

By on 7 June, 2021

Image courtesy VeriDaaS

VeriDaaS is one step closer to its beginning its statewide California LiDAR mapping project, having acquired high-density test elevation data on multiple areas of interest.

In April 2021, VeriDaaS collected data at a minimum of 30 points per metre on a number of areas, each of them having different terrain, vegetation and feature densities.

The test data will be evaluated by various state, federal and commercial stakeholders, and will also be used for baselining sensor collection parameters.

“We are confident that our data will meet and exceed the quality standards required by our targeted stakeholders,” said Christopher Payne, VeriDaaS CEO.

“Our recent large area project work in Arizona demonstrated that our Geiger-mode LiDAR offering exceeds established accuracy specifications at unsurpassed speed and cost-efficiencies.

“We look forward to collecting the remainder of California as part of our National Mapping Initiative VeriMAP.”

The VeriDaaS Geiger-mode sensors have been fitted to multiple fixed-wing aircraft, as the sensor units are optimised for efficient collection of high-density data from higher altitudes.

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