
2021 Space & Geospatial Collaborative Workshop @ Adelaide Convention Centre
Sep 16 all-day
2021 Space & Geospatial Collaborative Workshop @ Adelaide Convention Centre

The Space & Geospatial Collaborative Workshop will be jointly hosted by the Andy Thomas Space Foundation and the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute in Adelaide the day following the 12th Australian Space Forum and the day before Spatial Information Day.

This inter-disciplinary workshop will provide a unique opportunity for professionals from both space and spatial sectors to:

  • Learn about Australia’s renewed commitment to space technology development
  • Get updates on the requirements and capabilities of the modern spatial information industry using applications such as PNT (positioning, navigation and timing), EO (Earth Observation) and telecommunications
  • Connect and discuss the increasing synergy and collaborative opportunities between the two sectors.
15th Conference on Spatial Information Theory @ Kobe, Japan
Sep 5 @ 9:00 am – Sep 9 @ 5:00 pm
15th Conference on Spatial Information Theory @ Kobe, Japan

The 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT 2022, will be held in Kobe, Japan, 5 to 9 September, 2022. Established in 1993, the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT) is a biennial international conference series concerned with theoretical aspects of space and spatial information, aimed at advancing geographic information science and its emerging research frontiers.

The conference offers three (refereed) submission tracks with double-blind reviews: vision papers, full papers, and short papers. Embedded in the conference will also be an on-site mentoring program for doctoral students.

Contributions can cover a broad set of conference-relevant themes such as (but not limited to):

  • activity-based models of spatial knowledge
  • cognitive aspects of geographic information
  • cognitive-behavioural geography, naive geography
  • data-driven spatial information theory
  • geo-ethics and geo-privacy
  • events and processes in geographic space and time
  • geographic information visualisation and geovisual analytics
  • knowledge representation for space and time
  • navigation and wayfinding of sentient beings and robots
  • ontology of space and time
  • place
  • quality and interoperability of geographic information
  • social and cultural organisation of space
  • spatial and temporal language
  • spatial aspects of social networks
  • spatial decision support, impact of model design
  • spatial (digital) humanities
  • theory-driven spatial machine learning, artificial intelligence of space
  • theories on volunteered geographic information
  • theory and practice of spatial and temporal reasoning
  • user interfaces, virtual spaces and collaborative spaces
2022 NSGIC Annual Conference @ Embassy Suites by Hilton, Portland, Oregon
Sep 18 @ 9:00 am – Sep 23 @ 5:00 pm
2022 NSGIC Annual Conference @ Embassy Suites by Hilton, Portland, Oregon

The US National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) Annual Conference is the place to enhance geospatial excellence and collaboration for state, local, tribal and federal GIS policymakers and coordinators, private sector partners and other leaders in the geospatial ecosystem.

Providing critical and timely networking opportunities, the conference also offers the chance to connect, collaborate, and share with colleagues and partners.

The agenda will comprise:

Roll Call of States — Where state representatives will share a snapshot of achievements, challenges and upcoming activities.
Plenary Sessions — Presentations by and for the NSGIC community exploring challenges, successes and new approaches for collaboration in the geospatial ecosystem.
State Caucus — A roundtable discussion with state and local government representatives to talk frankly about current pressing issues.
GIO Academy — Leadership sessions and networking for state government GIOs and equivalents only (separate registration is required).
Speed Networking — A fun and fast-paced activity where sponsors, who have allocated points, will rotate to complete the circuit of visiting with state reps.
Annual Business Meeting — Including the election of new board members and leadership transition.
Awards Reception — Recognising exceptional work through the Geospatial Excellence Awards & NSGIC Service Awards.

14th Australian Space Forum @ Adelaide Convention Centre
Oct 25 all-day
14th Australian Space Forum @ Adelaide Convention Centre

The Andy Thomas Space Foundation is looking forward to welcoming a global audience to the 14th Australian Space Forum, which will be held on Tuesday, 25 October 2022 at the Adelaide Convention Centre in South Australia.

Supported by the Australian Space Agency, the South Australian Space Industry Centre and SmartSat CRC, the Forum will provide an opportunity to stimulate ideas, share information about emerging technologies and network with influential space sector leaders and the broader community.

Participants can attend in-person, or virtually through the event’s global interactive platform.

Forum sessions will include international panels covering highly pertinent topics that shape our industry:

Earth Observation: The National Space Mission for Earth Observation is a major investment that will expand Australia’s capability in designing, manufacturing and operating space- and ground-based systems.

Optical Communications: A quantum leap in Australia’s secure and high-bandwidth communications to connect the world and beyond.

Foundation Services Rover: Exploring remote operations and autonomous systems by building on Australian expertise in the resources and mining sectors for the collection of lunar soil (regolith).

Locate23 – The Surveying and Spatial Event @ Adelaide Convention Centre
May 10 @ 9:00 am – May 12 @ 5:00 pm
Locate23 – The Surveying and Spatial Event @ Adelaide Convention Centre

Each year, the Locate conference attracts hundreds of national and international delegates from within and outside the spatial and surveying industry.

As Australia’s premier spatial and surveying conference, Locate provides guests with a unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends and applications in geospatial technologies.

Are you passionate about our industry and want to get involved? Maybe you have an idea for a local tour, or a project site visit or even have another event that can run in conjunction with Locate. This is your opportunity to help shape the 2023 event — no idea is too big or too small. Reach out to the organisers via or +61 2 4319 8519.

World Hydrography Day 2023 Seminar @ Moana Anglican Services and Teaching Centre
Jun 22 @ 9:00 am – Jun 23 @ 4:00 pm
World Hydrography Day 2023 Seminar @ Moana Anglican Services and Teaching Centre

Hydrographers and all those with an interest in hydrography and related disciplines, are invited to attend a World Hydrography Day 2023 Seminar in Suva, Fiji, on 22 and 23 June.

The seminar will be held jointly by the Australasian Hydrographic Society and the Fiji Hydrographic Service. The venue will be the Moana Anglican Services and Teaching Centre at St John the Baptist Theological College.

The organisers are calling for potential sponsors and presenters to get in touch.

The theme for World Hydrography Day 2023 is ‘Hydrography: Contributing to the United Nations Ocean Decade’.

The seminar comes after a two-year pause due to the COVID pandemic and associated travel restrictions. It will provide an opportunity for professionals to network and share hydrospatial knowledge through presentations and discussion.

It is also intended that the presentations will highlight the empowerment of women within the hydrography field.

Registration is free but places are limited. Registrations must be secured by close of business, Tuesday, 20 June 2023.

SmartSat CRC Conference 2023 @ National Wine Centre, Adelaide
Oct 12 – Oct 13 all-day
SmartSat CRC Conference 2023 @ National Wine Centre, Adelaide

SmartSat partners, participants, students and staff are invited to come together to share their research outcomes and network with industry colleagues at the SmartSat CRC Conference 2023.

The SmartSat CRC is a consortium of universities and other research organisations, partnered with industry that has been funded by the Australian Government to develop know-how and technologies in advanced telecommunications and IoT connectivity, intelligent satellite systems and Earth observation next generation data services.

Landsat image courtesy NASA/GSFC

Spatial Information Day @ Adelaide Convention Centre
Aug 16 @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Spatial Information Day @ Adelaide Convention Centre

The Geospatial Council of Australia’s Spatial Information Day will be an immersive journey into the dynamic world of geospatial data and technology.

Delegates will have the opportunity to engage with industry leaders, renowned experts and fellow enthusiasts, while delving into the latest advancements reshaping the understanding of space and place. On the agenda will be innovative solutions driving progress across sectors such as urban planning, environment management and disaster response.

The event will be followed in the evening by the 2024 SA Geospatial Excellence Awards Dinner, the industry’s premier platform to celebrate the achievements of top geospatial organisations and individuals in the state.

7th High-level Forum on UN Global Geospatial Information Management @ Mexico City
Oct 8 – Oct 10 all-day
7th High-level Forum on UN Global Geospatial Information Management @ Mexico City

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), in collaboration with the Government of México through Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) will convene the Seventh High-level Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management with the theme ‘Accelerating Implementation: Achieving Resilience’.

This seventh edition of UN-GGIM’s High-level Forums will continue UN-GGIM’s regular high-level, multi-stakeholder discussions on global geospatial information management, through the convening of global forums, aimed at promoting comprehensive dialogue among member states, and between member states and relevant international organisations, UN system entities and stakeholders.

3rd International Workshop on Geographic Modelling and Simulation @ Nanjing, china
Oct 25 – Oct 28 all-day
3rd International Workshop on Geographic Modelling and Simulation @ Nanjing, china

The complexities of understanding and forecasting evolutionary processes necessitate geographic modelling and simulation, which have emerged as potent tools for addressing critical issues such as climate change and sustainable resource use. But there is a pressing need for an open geographical modelling and simulation framework. Such a framework would serve as a catalyst, attracting more scholars and encouraging their collective efforts to address geographic challenges.

This workshop is designed to explore pertinent theories, approaches and potential applications, while fostering communication among experts from diverse domains. Its primary objectives include stimulating extensive discussions regarding the potential directions of the field and promoting further research, thus paving the way for a promising future in collaborative geographic modelling and simulation.


  • School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, China
  • Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Ministry of Education of PRC), Nanjing Normal University, China
  • International Geographical Union – Modeling Geographical Systems Commission


  • International Environmental Modelling and Software Society
  • The International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences
  • Geographic Model and Geographic Information Analysis Commission, The Geographical Society of China
  • Working Group on Education and Capability Building for Digital Earth, International Society for Digital Earth
  • Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, China
  • National Earth System Science Data Center – Yangtze River Delta Subcenter
  • School of Environment, Nanjing Normal University

Important dates:

  • Abstracts due: 20 August 2024
  • Early-bird registration ends: 31 August 2024


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