
Directions LIVE 2016 – Townsville @ Rydges Southbank
May 27 @ 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

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Learn how to ‘geo-enlighten your organisation’ at Directions LIVE 2016.

This year’s roadshow will highlight how you can extend the benefits of geospatial technology throughout your entire business – to streamline workflows and maximise your return on investment.

Discover how to further leverage the ArcGIS platform’s spatial analysis capabilities and see how this technology gives your organisation the competitive edge.

At Directions LIVE 2016, you will learn the benefits of working with 3D and 4D data, how to select the perfect app to tackle any challenge, and how ArcGIS Pro complements ArcMap functionality.

We will also be showcasing the innovative ways local organisations are improving operational efficiency with GIS technology.

Directions LIVE is free for Esri users – with light lunch provided.

Register today to join our team of ArcGIS experts and your local GIS user community, and learn how to unlock the full potential of the platform – the market’s only complete GIS solution.

RPAS in Australian Skies 2022 @ Canberra
Mar 29 @ 9:00 am – Mar 30 @ 5:00 pm
RPAS in Australian Skies 2022 @ Canberra

The Australian Association for Unmanned Systems’ ‘RPAS in Australian Skies 2022’ conference aims to continue discussion on the safe integration of RPAS into Australian airspace. It is supported by key government and industry participants and has established itself as a landmark event in the Australian RPAS calendar.

The 2022 themes will cover:

  • Policy and Regulatory updates from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, CASA, AirServices Australia and the Australian Defence Force relating to the use of emerging aviation technology in Australia.
  • UAS Traffic Management (UTM), low level airspace, integrated airspace systems challenges and opportunities.
  • Industry challenges and perspectives
  • Continuing development of a professional and safe industry.
  • ATSB RPAS data and trends
  • Emerging technology and innovative solutions enabling integration or RPAS into Australian airspace.
  • Future infrastructure requirements to enable drone delivery and advanced air mobility (AAM).
  • Emerging RPAS and AAM applications – benefits, viability and social acceptance.

The conference will be a hybrid event incorporating face to face (live) and online (virtual) choices for participants. It will also include the AAUS Gala Dinner featuring the AAUS Industry Awards.


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