Bridging the divide: Position #81 now in digital

By on 19 April, 2016


The digital version of Position’s February/March issue is now available for free online viewing.

Position magazine is the only ANZ-wide independent publication for the spatial industries. This issue is perhaps the most forward-looking Position you will read, with valuable insights into the exciting places the profession is heading.

Issue 81 includes an exclusive Q&A with Dr Catherine Ball whose inspiring plenary was a highlight of last week’s Locate conference. Dr Ball is an award winning innovator of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) with a background in spatial information and ecology. As part of Elemental Strategy, Dr Ball now consults internationally to governments and private industry on not just on drones, but critical adoption of new technology in general.

catherine ball

Dr Catherine Ball who recently won the National 2015 Telstra Business Woman of the Year Award in the Corporate and Private category.


A feature on augmented reality for surveying also highlighted the world leading efforts of Perth-based MNG Surveys, whose project “The Hologram Room” recently won the Best Paper award at the annual APAS conference. The hologram room is an Australian made tool for viewing Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) files. It brings high-density point cloud data to life in a 3D virtual world. The hologram room has proven itself as a very powerful tool for project visualisation and data inspection, and a world first in applied augmented reality.

Also included in the February/March 2016 Position are:

  • Industry, company, research and product news
  • Neogeography & the gamification of GIS
  • LiDAR celebrates 20 years
  • a chain of land blocks
  • Scanning maintains the upper hand
  • Gen Y bridging the technological divide

Access the February/March Position here.

Note: Position Issue 83 is currently available in print only. If you would like to keep updated on all things spatial and surveying in Australasia, please consider subscribing.



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