The Atlantic have posted a little game where you have to guess whether the image you are looking at is a close-up photo of Earth from space, or if it’s a close-up from a painting. Think you know your RS imagery? Take the challenge.
GIS Lounge talk about a SLAM application where researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed a portable, wearable mapping system that remotely transmits a digital map of the wearer’s environment.
In the news this week is that geospatial tech is being used in the fraud case against former Liberal MP Peter Slipper, and his alleged misuse of taxpayer-funded taxi vouchers to tour restaurants and wineries around Canberra. Go geospatial!
Maybe it’s just because it’s almost lunch time, but Strange Maps’ recently posted Tacografia – a Taco map of Mexico – has me smiling right now. And also tummy grumblin’.
For anyone even moderately interested in Open Source Software, The All Points Blog has a primer on GitHub – just what is it anyway?
TechDirt alerts us that a California court has ruled it illegal to check maps on your phone while driving.
In a sort of follow-up to our story last week on differing projections, Google Maps Mania points us to a handy little draggable Tissot Indicatrix, which uses a number of 500km wide circles to indicate the ways that the Mercator projection distorts imagery.
And, the DigitalGlobe Blog has announced that DigitalGlobe has acquired crowdsourcing intelligence company, Tomnod, adding that “while the transaction is not material to our financials, it does support our vision of being the indispensable source of information about our changing planet.”