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By on 27 March, 2019

How Boeing 737 Flights Came to an End

Maps Mania

After the crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 and the death of 189 people, countries around the world began grounding Boeing 737s. In the days after the crash I saw a lot of links to real-time flight tracking websites, such as FlightRadar24, to show areas around the world where the Boeing 737 had been grounded and where flights of the plane were coming to a stop.

Britta Ricker: “Think about who the data is representing, and who is missing”


Britta Ricker, PhD (@bricker) is an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University in the Copernicus institute for Sustainable Development. Her research interests focus on accessible spatial technologies, particularly open data and the use of mobile devices. Dr. Ricker co-founded the Masters in Geospatial Technologies at the University Washington Tacoma. She has also provided GIS and cartographic services for the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency, MapQuest, and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Dr. Ricker was interviewed for GeoHipster by Natasha Pirani.

A Map of Modern-Day Westeros

The Map Room

Art designer James Shadrach Schoenke imagines a modern-day Westeros with a modern-style map that mimics the design of European road maps.

The Geography of Partisan Prejudice

Map of the week

A recent article in The Atlantic features a set of maps showing where in the United States people show more or less prejudice towards people from other political parties. An Australian map would be most interesting, given the political polarisation that is occuring here too.

This is the best (and simplest) world map of religions

Big Think

Both panoramic and detailed, this infographic manages to show both the size and distribution of world religions.

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