The New York Times has an article outlining Facebook’s plans to beam internet access to users via solar powered drones. There’s something so wonderfully sci-fi about that.
CityLab over at the Atlantic have showcased a ‘stench map’ of New York City from around 1870. Y’see, back then, it was thought that the transmission of disease was linked to bad smells.
LiDAR News has a fascinating archaeological tale (or at least links to one) wherein airborne LiDAR was used to discover an unknown Mayan citadel lying nearby a ruined city.
For all the tweaker type geo geeks out there (of which I hope there are at least a few of you), Geoawesomeness has posted instructions on how to build your own Geo data logger for under US$100! (of course, I just bought one on eBay for only a little over AU$100, but where’s the fun in that?)
Landscape Urbanism has written an overview of GIS and Geodesign and its potential for urban design and landscape architecture. To quote: “Geodesign is a new way of thinking about the design process, utilizing site data with software such as a GIS (Geographic Information System) to create urban or landscape designs.”
IEEE Spectrum has a fascinating overview of Moore’s Law – which predicted a doubling of computing power every year. Which, almost miraculously, has held true over the following 50 years.