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By on 16 January, 2019

GISCafe’s industry predictions for 2019, parts I & II

GIS Cafe

GIS Cafe interviews location intelligence thought leaders on predictions for 2019: Part I and Part II.

Geopolitical Map Genres to be Vigilant of in 2019

Map of the week

A timely reminder of mapping genres typically used to advance geopolitical aims, overtly or implicitly, by Stephen Seegel, author of Map Men.

A Year in Review: Newly Scanned Maps of 2018

Worlds Revealed: Geography and maps at the Library of Congress

A retrospective of the rare historical maps newly scanned by the US Library of Congress in 2018.

Modeling Crisis Migration Routes

Maps Mania

Visual Perspective has developed a model which uses different factors to predict the likely migration routes people might take away from an area in a time of crisis. To explain its model and how the model works Visual Perspective has released an interactive map which provides a demonstration of the model in action in the Yemeni city of Dhama.

16th-Century Hand-Drawn Maps Imitate the Style of Printed Maps

The Map Room

Seven maps from late 16th-century Mexico are the focus of a 2018 study by University of Seville researcher Manuel Morato-Moreno (Cartographica article, press release). Part of a series of maps sent back to Spain by local administrators, the maps are hand-drawn, but imitate the style of printed maps: the hatching deliberately evokes woodcuts, while the animals are reminiscent of cartouches, sea monsters and other illustrative elements. But the maps also incorporate Indigenous design elements.

Mapping Austin’s Dockless Journeys

Maps Mania

The Austin Transportation Department has released the city’s Dockless Vehicle Trips dataset. This data records where and when the city’s dockless bikes and scooters are used. The data is updated everyday and includes records of more than two million dockless trips.

The Great Molasses Explosion

Map of the week

January 15th will mark the 100th anniversary of the Great Molasses Flood. In Boston’s North End, a tank filled with molasses burst sending a wave of molasses up to 25 feet high through the streets at 35 miles per hour and knocking buildings off their foundations.

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