Best of the blogs 23 April 2013

By on 23 April, 2013


The All Points Blog highlights a map recently published by ESRI that plots the potential impact of the recent explosion in West Texas.

And, following up on explosion maps, Google Maps Mania has a post collating some of the maps used by the media when talking about the Boston Bombings. Interesting how digital maps are now so integrated with online journalism.


LiDAR News has posted the results of a study that analysed the differences between LiDAR and Photogrammetry. Best of all, it’s in video form (although the original paper is available, too). “Bottom line – they found that both methods were capable of producing the desired results. It’s definitely worth a look. There are very few studies like this being published.”


Jonathan Crowe points us to competition (closing May 21) where people are asked to map out their own fictional world.  A must for any budding writers or keen cartographers out there.


A writer for Seeking Alpha has posed his theory on Apple’s acquisition of indoor location company, WiFiSLAM – it’s all about apps, not Maps. Worth a look to get an idea of how geospatial is becoming entrenched in the app economy.


Between the Poles highlights a recent study commissioned by Google to investigate the value of geospatial services to the global economy.


The National Resources Defense Council’s Staff Blog (got that?) has a recent post that highlights “an especially creative use of GIS by Osakpolor Esosa Stephen of Nigeria’s Igbinedion University, assessing the geography of quality of life assessments using GIS.”

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