Best of the blogs 12/8/14

By on 12 August, 2014
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by Rosetta’s OSIRIS narrow-angle camera on 3 August from a distance of 285 km. The image resolution is 5.3 metres/pixel.


GeoAwesomeness has highlighted the 10 year journey of the Rosetta satellite, as it made its way to orbit the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet, in order to snap some images, analyse some data, and eventually land on the surface. An incredible mission. Click through for a video of the satellite’s unusual orbit.


Google Maps Mania has highlighted a map created by the City of Melbourne that uses the CartoDB platform and shows the location of 70,000 trees in the city, colour-coded by life expectancy.


Speaking of web maps, Mapbox recently announced its ‘Mapbox GL for the web’, an open source JavaScript framework for client-side vector maps that includes some impressive visualisation options.


The All Points Blog has an interesting article that compares the business models of small-satellite companies vs UAVs, given the increasing – and constantly delayed – regulation of the latter.


Congratulations to the Map Guy(de), who won three awards at the recent GovHack awards ceremony held this last Sunday.


From the only-slightly-geospatial-but-entirely-cool dept. comes the news that SM Instruments has developed a ‘sound camera’ that shows the source of certain noises projected on top of a video feed, in real-time. Hyundai commissioned the camera, and will use it to detect and eliminate annoying noise in its cars. Very cool.


The SAFE Blog has compiled a list of the top ten FME tips OF ALL TIME. A hefty title, so pop on over to see if there are any that you’ve missed.


GIS Lounge asks (and answers) the question: “what is the difference between a heat map and a hot spot map?

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