Best of the blogs

By on 23 April, 2018

Meet the startup making all-weather, wearable maps


Thought the digital revolution was complete? Not by a long shot. Meet SplashMaps.

The maps of Thoreau

Map of the week

Henry David Thoreau was best known as a naturalist — did you know he was also a cartographer?

Russians Were Once Banned From a Third of the U.S.

Image courtesy of Library of Congress.

National Geographic: All over the map blog

Recently released maps show the startling amount of U.S. territory that was off limits to people of Russian descent at the height of the Cold War.

In praise of insets

Cartonerd | Kenneth Field

Cartonerd Kenneth Field on exactly how much map-makers owe to the seemingly humble inset.

Mapping every air raid on Yemen

Maps mania

Maps Mania blog highlights an incredible data journalism project to map every air raid on Yemen.

Topi Tjukanov: “In Finnish basemaps, forest is white”


Geohipster interviews Topi Tjukanov, who sheds fascinating light on Finland’s unique geospatial culture and GIS applications.

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