Best of the Blogs 6 September 2016

By on 6 September, 2016

Each month, Spatial Source looks back on the best of the month’s Best of the Blogs.


New data-visualisation project Migrations in Motion charts how some 3,000 species of birds, mammals, and amphibians are likely to migrate in response to rising sea levels and climate change. [via WIRED]



A new book claims that in relying on GPS and the mapping apps on our smartphones, we have lost an essential part of who we are and how we think. This book review by The Guardian gives context to the debate and how Greg Milner’s new book, Pinpoint, dates this back to the advent of GPS. [via The Guardian]



As climate change accelerates, it’s becoming harder to predict how quickly Greenland’s glaciers might disappear into the sea. Anders Anker Bjørk and his colleagues have used photos from the 1930s to examine how these glaciers have changed over the last 80 years, what we can expect for their future. [via Nature]



The breathtaking curves of Australian Indigenous site Uluru have been revealed in a world-first drone video taken with permission of traditional owners. Normally access to the culturally sensitive is quite limited, however this video pays respect to the local aboriginal culture while also exposing the monolith from a whole new angle. [via The Huffington Post]



If you believe the hype, driverless cars are poised to free us from traffic jams once and for all. That will remain to be seen, but at least we will see a reduction in ‘Phantom Jams’- when minor disturbances cause a chain reaction and major backups. Big Think explains why these traffic jams often happen for almost no reason at all. [via Big Think | Image credit: Credit: Traffic Modeling – Phantom Traffic Jams and Traveling Jamitons]


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