Best of the Blogs – 23 May 2017

By on 23 May, 2017

Each week, Spatial Source finds the best that the internet has to offer.

With most coal and gas power stations slated for retirement over the next 15 years, Australia’s hills and mountains provide the ideal backdrop for a 100 per cent renewable solution. To assist, 3D GIS technology is helping a team from the Australian National University map a solution that could launch Australia’s renewable energy future. [Esri Australia Blog]


Your daily commute might seem mundane, but if you take a peek from a new perspective you might discover the intricate beauty of road patterns. Did your neighborhood make the top 10 of these “Beautiful Images of Everyday Road Patterns & Neighborhoods”? [DigitalGlobe Blog]


Wages in the private sector are growing at their lowest rate on record – 1.8 per cent per year, according to Australian Bureau Of Statistics figures released in May. This is part of a significant decline in wage growth in Australia since 2011. How much (or little) have earnings grown in your area? Find out with this interactive map. [SBS Map]


There are 9 types of intelligence and Bill Gates says finding yours is key to succeeding. Guess which type of intelligence tops this list? Spatial, of course, i.e. the ability to visualise the world in 3D. Now you just need to find out how to master your spatial intelligence… [CNBC]


An 18-year-old Indian just may have designed the world’s most compact satellite. Rifath Shaarook designed what he believes to be the world’s lightest satellite, from scratch. The device weighs a mere 64 grams (0.14 lbs), making it even lighter than a smartphone. [Quartz]


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