Each week, Spatial Source collects the internet’s best geospatial fodder.
I won’t give away too much, but the internet is rife with fans gripping with the first, geographically inspiring episode of Game of Thrones Season 7. Aside from a certain cameo by no other than Ed Sheeran, one of the other big talking points has been the growing role of maps.
Geography and spatial data came to an all new level of importance as our most beloved and despised characters prepare for battles that have been building for seven seasons. In response, the internet is brimming with opinions, fan-made maps and theories behind how geography will define the final season.
As one article put it… “Game of Thrones got geographical with its Season 7 premiere. The first episode showed two of the most promising queens mapping out their plans for control of the kingdom. And I mean literally mapping them out.” As the article shows, TV and mapping fans alike took to Twitter in glee. [Elite Daily]
Yes, battle Maps are set to become a recurring trope this season, with Cersei and Daenary’s both coming into possession of them. It’s easy to anticipate what this will mean for the ensuing season. As one blogger describes, it’s coming down to a ‘battle of the battle maps’. [Cinnamon Twists Blog]
We also became more closely acquainted with an important new geographic location, Dragonstone. So where is Dragonstone placed in relation to Winterfell and Kings Landing? In one word: strategically. Get your bearings by seeing a detailed map of Westeros and Essos here: [Quarter Maester].
However, there is another place that will no doubt become equally important. The Game of Thrones essentially re-wrote the map, by modifying the animated sequence in the opening credit of each episode. Samwell Tarley’s placement in the Old Town’s Citadel will clearly be important, as for the first time it is included in the opening credits. Consequently, it’s in the citadel where maps are created and preserved. Let’s just assume geospatial intelligence is going to prove critical. [Vulture]
Game of Thrones is based on a huge fictional world, and this world largely defines how the story plays out. Want to know more about the geography and how it defines the narrative? The Game of Thrones Wiki is filled with fan-compiled information to help you formulate your own theories. [Game of Thrones Wiki]
However, if you’re like me and need a refresher of not only who everybody is, but where their allegiances lie, look no further than Andy Barefoot. He has created, you guessed it, a map that depicts allegiances in all their interactive glory and gore. As expected, though, many of the characters featured in it are long since dead. [Andy Barefoot]
Finally, as with any new GoT season, there’s a host of exotic new filming locations the world over to expect. Google has created a maps application showing the Streetview of many new filming locations, including many which have not yet been revealed, as well as those we know well like King’s Landing (aka Dubrovnik). [Google Streetview]
Not a Game of Thrones fan? Well, there was something very real that happened in the real world this past week that really should warrant more of our attention. Iceberg A-68 is slowly drifting towards the open sea from the open sea from Antarctica, and what makes it unique is its size and what it signifies for the future. At around 6,000 sq. km and weighing about one trillion tonnes, A-68 is one of the biggest icebergs ever recorded. But how big is that, really? Big Think sought to demonstrate, and mapped all the comparisons to parts of the world you are more likely to know. [Big Think]