AI-equipped drones to spot crocs in real time

By on 2 October, 2019

Image by Joshua Cotten on unsplash.

Adrone equipped with CrocSpotter Ai algorithm has streamed a live video in which it seeks and identifies crocodiles with 93% accuracy and latency of under one second.

The impressive feat was performed live at the World of Drones Congress in Brisbane on September 26.

A drone team flew a team with the Crocspotter ai on board over the Mowbray River in Queensland, a known crocodile habitat, while a team at the conference received the stream and broadcast it to the audience.

The algorithm was developed by the University of Technology Sydney and its industry partner Westpac Little Ripper, who have been saving lives in the surf with UAVs.

Ben Trollope, CEO of The Ripper Group, said that this performance was achieved through deployment with AWS.

“Running CrocSpotter Ai algorithm via AWS reduces the latency from 10-30 seconds currently achieved by the drones’ on board video,” he said.

The team announced that this technology would be used for detecting crocodiles from Mission Beach to Port Douglas in Queensland.

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