The 4th Open Data Cube (ODC) Conference will be held online between June 22 and 25, comprising a range of sessions and panels dedicated to the use of Earth observation data.
The conference aims to both provide an education opportunity for those wishing to learning more about the ODC and how it works, as well as push development of new ODC applications.
The ODC is an open source geospatial data management and analysis project that leverages the value contained within satellite data, with a set of Python libraries and a PostgreSQL database at its core.
The conference program includes a traditional approach of presentations and discussions, plus a multi-day ‘sprint’ that will be more free-form and self-organising.
Day 1’s sessions will be held live during Australian time zones, recorded and replayed 12 hours later for the benefit of delegates from Africa, Europe and the Americas. Day 2 will be held live for Africa, Europe and America and replayed for Australasia ten hours later.
The main part of the conference will touch on a variety of topics presented by a range of experts, including:
- Claire Krause (DEA)
- Brian Killough (NASA)
- Andiswa Mlisa (SANSA)
- Alex Leith (ODC Steering Council)
- Steven Ramage (GEO)
- Kate Fickas (Ladies of Landsat)
- Robert Woodcock (CSIRO)
The sprint will be broken into specialist streams, including:
- Training in the ODC sandbox environment
- The science of the UN Social Development Goals
- Women in Earth observation
- ODC documentation
Registration for all of the sessions and sprints is completely free. The event is sponsored by Digital Earth Australia and Digital Earth Africa, and coordinated by FrontierSI.
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