WGIC, buildingSMART sign MOU on BIM standards, location data

By on 24 January, 2019

The World Geospatial Industry Council following their inaugural meeting at the UN Global Geospatial Information Management in August 2018.

The World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC) has signed an MOU with buildingSMART International (bSI) on best practices to drive uptake of BIM standards in concert with location-based technologies.

The memorandum of understanding states that both organisations will work towards a common initiative to demonstrate the value widespread applicability of standards and geospatial information.

The initiative’s aim is for specific areas for collaboration and eventual integration of BIM and GIS standards to be identified to assist understanding of jointly addressed best practices, standard areas and projects, according to materials released by the WGIC.

Sanjay Kumar, general secretary and CEO of the WGIC, said that the MOU would facilitate greater collaboration between the geospatial and AEC industries.

“We at WGIC firmly believe that standards are a significant determinant of successful implementation of digital capabilities across a range of applications around infrastructure and smart cities. Infrastructure is one of largest market for geospatial industry, and we do recognise momentum towards spatially enabling digitalisation process of construction workflows and its integration with BIM,” he said.

“We are delighted to be signing this MoU with the World Geospatial Industry Council to jointly focus our efforts on GIS and BIM integration. It is our aim that the community will benefit from sharing valuable data that resides in multiple systems,” he said.

Richard Petrie, CEO of bSI, welcomed the association and new MOU.

“The benefits for BIM deliverables will be realised by converging geo-coordinated data to improve digital workflows. This MoU is our  commitment to open digital ways of working to help the industry deliver higher standards and projects through this collaborative process alongside the WGIC.”

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