Update your listing: Spatial Source business directory 2017

By on 2 November, 2016


The Spatial Source/Position annual business directory is the only service that combines the multifaceted organisations that comprise Australasia’s exciting and growing spatial and surveying industries.

If you are involved in the business of surveying, spatial sciences, mapping, logistics or smart cities, you have until the 15th of November to update your free supplier listing or create a new listing in Position/Spatial Source directory.

The resulting directory will be published both online through Spatial Source and in the huge upcoming issue of Position magazine.

position-magazine-coverWith over 400 companies listed, you can make sure you’re not over looked by the 9,000 monthly visitors to SpatialSource.com.au. Would you like to make your company stand out from the crowd?

Premium listing options starting from just $350 are available in both print and online.

To view our stand out advertising packages for the Spatial Source Online Trade Directory, simply login and select “Digital and Print Advertising Options” from the top right (beside your business name).

For all enquiries relating to your free listing or to discuss the advertising opportunities available, please contact Jon Tkach on (02) 8586 6128 or jon@intermedia.com.au.

To update your listing, visit dir.spatialsource.com.au before Tuesday 15th November.

PLEASE NOTE: WE WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY repeat last year’s entry – you must review and update (if necessary) your 2016 entry.


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