One of the key features of K2Vi is the direct linkage to the GIS system and/or data source. The level of GIS integration and linking to spatial data stores is very important. 3DGIS data integration provides overlay and GIS functionality in 3D, but opens up new opportunities for greater understanding and communication for asset management, transport and planning applications.
True 3DGIS is Dynamic
K2Vi accesses 3D spatial data in real-time, natively in-situ, thus providing a real-time window into the spatial database, so that when the underlying 3D data changes so does the view of it and objects associated with it e.g. position of street furniture, updated buildings or changes in terrain surface.
True 3D GIS is Intelligent
K2Vi supports the integration of moving objects which are aware of their surroundings, such as vehicles and cars. 3D objects in K2Vi have spatial domains, calculating the object’s intersections in real-time, applying collision detection, animation and motion of the objects in space.
True 3DGIS is Time-aware
Temporal 3D analytical capability such as time, location and date-based shadow casting provide key tools to the city manager. Moving clouds, plumes, haze, rain, wind effects and other volumetric atmospheric effects add to the realism.
True 3DGIS has 3D Spatial Query
K2Vi has a complete range of SQL query statements which have 3D context, e.g. height, above ground or above datum and can be run through GIS datasets, across one layer, two layers, by cross correlation and also joins with related data.
Change and challenge the way you think about GIS…think 3DGIS!
Visit AAM at booth #19 at the OZRI Conference to see K2Vi true 3DGIS and virtual reality solution.
To find out more about K2Vi 3D Models, please contact John Blackburn on +617 3620 3111 or email