Topcon Positioning System (TPS) recently introduced the IP-S2 Compact+ mobile mapping system, which can accurately measure objects in adverse weather conditions and enclosed job sites such as tunnels and mines.
Topcon’s IP-S2, launched in 2009, introduced a vehicle-mounted mobile mapping system incorporating high-precision GNSS receivers, IMU (inertial measurement unit), vehicle wheel encoders, 360-degree camera and laser scanners. This new vehicle-mounted system has improved scanner orientation to optimise visibility of roadside assets and is packaged in an affordable, compact system that fits on a car or truck.
Charles Rihner, vice president of the Topcon Emerging Business Unit, said, “The full-colour, high-resolution, high-density point clouds dramatically increase efficiencies for example in GIS asset management such as utilities, and transportation work such as roads, highways, tunnels, and overpasses.”
The Compact+ system is available in two configurations: a three-scanner standard model or a five-scanner system. The three-scanner system gives a 360° vertical field of view. The five-scanner system increases cloud density, minimises scanning shades, and collects 150,000 points per second with a range of 40-50m. The IP-S2 Compact+ can be purchased with a high accuracy commercial grade or a tactical grade IMU. The commercial grade IMU is a non-ITAR restricted device without export control.
“Easy to use, the Compact+ will be an effective solution for a variety of applications. The IP-S2 Compact+ quickly provides high accuracy data and dynamic imaging for any mapping project,” Rihner said.
The IP-S2 Compact+ is planned for release later in 2012.