Third International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres: Developments and Practices
WHEN: 2012-10-25 to 2012-10-25
WHERE: Shenzhen, China
STATE: State
COUNTRY: Country
A fast-economic growth with steadily rapid urbanisation has brought about a challenge to limited land resource in urban areas. The challenge urges a shift of land use from land surface to land space in terms of land administration. The recently experienced development and use of land space in developed cities has broken through the traditional frame of parcel-based or 2D cadastre. The three dimensional (3D) cadastre is suggested and accepted by the research community of land administration as an effective means to support administration of land space technically. The possibility to register property unit in three dimensions efficiently will facilitate the dense and complex use of urban space.
The FIG joint commission 3 and 7 Working Group on 3D Cadastres was formed to meet the needs of 3D cadastres in legal aspects, technical aspects and institutional aspects. The first 3D Cadastres workshop (2001) and the second workshop (2011) were held both in Delft, the Netherlands.
The aim of the Third Workshop on 3D Cadastres is to consider current developments and practices in an international context. The workshop will be organized as joint activity of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, Wuhan University and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) joint commission 3 and 7 Working Group on 3D Cadastres.
Objectives & Scope
Multiple layers and 3D land utilities push the development of 3D cadastres, which relate tightly to land remarks, policies, regulations and policies. Every county has its own characteristics and solutions to 3D cadastres according to its legal, institutional and cultural issues. The main purpose of the symposium is to bring together about 100 participants from different parts of the world and have a fruitful exchange of ideas about current developments and practices of 3D cadastres, and discuss its key techniques and applications to support the efficient utility and management of urban geo-space. Also the latest practices in China, especially in Shenzhen, will be presented.
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