The National Broadband Network

By on 12 July, 2011

SIBA presents: The National Broadband Network – How it will impact your business, and why it’s important to you.

WHEN: 2011-08-11 to 2011-08-11
WHERE: The Greek Club, 29 Edmonstone Street, South Brisbane

SIBA presents Paul Campbell, Telma Cordeiro, Wally Donaldson, & Jack de Lange at:

The National Broadband Network: What it means for you and your business.

Thursday 11 August 2011 at the Greek Club, 29 Edmondstone St, South Brisbane.

Paul Campbell is the CEO of the ICT Working Group, which co-ordinates advice and representation to government and industry on all information technology matters. Paul will be describing a digital future that is already here.

Telma Cordeiro is the Commercial Manager for NEarMap, an Australian aerial mapping company whose services integrate with new technologies. Telma will provide an industry-based case study.

Wally Donaldson is the manager of the Broadband and Regional Engagement team in the Digital Economoy and Creative INdustries Directorate of DEEDI. Wally will talk about the NBN, what it is and what it isn't.

Jack de Lange is Chief Operating Officer of SIBA. He has over 40 years in the industry and has recently been researching the business of how spatial companies can enter the Digital Economy. He will point the way.

RSVP by 29 July 2011.

Cost is:
$65 SIBA / SSSI / QLS Members
$95 Non-members
Includes cooked breakfast and allocated seating.

For info call (07) 3217 2599 or email

To book visit:

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