18 July: TMRGT1302; M1 Structural Overlay; Department of Transport and Main Roads, Qld. Tenders are sought for a project to provide approximately 12 kilometres of Pointcloud capture along the Pacific Highway, one of Queensland’s heaviest trafficked roads.
For documentation, contact Martin Tuckwood <martin.z.tuckwood@tmr.qld.gov.au> on +61-7-3834-2547; technical enquiries to David Greaves <david.j.greaves@tmr.qld.gov.au>.
19 July: 2013129; Web Content Management System; Monash Shire Council, Vic, Expressions of Interest are invited for the supply, installation and support of a web content management system.
Contact Steven Truman <stevent@monash.vic.gov.au>.
19 July: DOF962011B; Independent Breeding Stock Survey – 2013 Panel Refresh; Department of Fisheries, WA. Fisheries seeks a vessel charter to conduct the independent breeding stock survey for the Rock Lobster Fishery.
For documents, contact Joe Kaindaneh <joe.kaindaneh@fish.wa.gov.au> on +61-8-9203-0373; technical enquiries to Mark Rossbach <mark.rossbach@fish.wa.gov.au>.
22 July: Fleet06/13; Fleet Management/ Booking System; Department of Conservation, NZ. The department is seeking expressions of interest for an in-house fleet management and fleet booking solution.
Contact Rex Ambler <rambler@doc.govt.nz> on +64-4-471-322.
23 July: 1301123; Managed Satellite Network [invited tender]; NSW Fire and Rescue. This tender is for pre-qualified suppliers, for the design, supply, implementation and support services for a managed satellite network for NSW Fire and Rescue. FRNSW intends to replace its Very Small Aperture Terminal Satellite Network solution, which is approaching end-of-life. The Network is the primary turn-out network technology at all FRNSW stations for attendance at incidents by operational Fire Crews.
Contact NSW Telco Authority on +61-2-02 9372-7088, or email: <ITS2573@services.nsw.gov.au>.
30 July: RFT2013-NGL-8-A; Wireless Seismic System; CSIRO [Aust]. Tenders are sought for a general purpose seismic recording system for field/ surface-based measurements, which may be used with seismic sources or in passive modes with real-time data monitoring. The equipment is required to image and characterise the physical geology to depths of several kilometres for both baseline purposes and the monitoring of large volumes of CO2 migration.
Contact the Procurement Officer: email <RFT2013-NGL-8-A@csiro.au>.
30 July: Tender 2013/47; Integrated Asset Management Solution; Shellharbour City Council, NSW. Council invites tenders for supply and implementation of integrated asset management solution. Council encourages e-tendering.
Contact Harin Perera on +61-2-4221-6111.
30 July: RFT2013-NGL-8-B; Slimline 3C Geophones; CSIRO [Aust].Tenders are sought for a borehole tool for Vertical Seismic Profiling. The VSP tool is intended to provide physical properties of formations and will allow high resolution imaging away from boreholes. The equipment is required to image and characterise the physical geology to depths of several km for both baseline purposes and monitoring of large volumes of CO2 migration.
Contact the Procurement Officer: email <RFT2013-NGL-8-B@csiro.au>.
31 July: DNP-BFMS-1112-004-0; Multi Use List for Architectural, Engineering and Surveying Services [Re-issued]; Director of National Parks [Aust].
The Director intermittently requires architectural, engineering and surveying services at a range of locations across Australia and the external territories. The Multi Use List was established in 2012 to enable more streamlined procurement of these services. DNP invites new applicants and unsuccessful previous applicants to submit an application in accordance with the documentation attached to this re-advertisement.
Contact Anita Mathers on email: <dnpprocurement@environment.gov.au>.
6 August: 0781-2014; IT Services, Software and Hardware [Panel]; Banyule Shire Council, Vic. Council wishes to appoint a panel of providers to provide Information Technology services and related software and hardware procurement to support its IT Infrastructure department with various technology implementations across a wide range of projects. Register at Tenders Section at www.banyule.vic.gov.au.
Contact Scott Butler on +61-3-9490-4223.
7 August: Integrated Corporate Business Systems; Blacktown City Council, NSW. Council invites tenders for the supply, implementation and support services for a corporate business system as part of a total replacement of its current corporate system. System must include: land information systems, asset management systems, customer request management, facilities and events management, impound management, financial management, human resource/payroll system, and corporate support systems. BCC is seeking to implement a strong, robust and contemporary solution which is fully integrated and is based on current systems technology and standards. Tenders must be downloaded and lodged online at www.tenders.nsw.gov.au/wsroc.
Contact Mark Cleland on +61-2-9839 -6172.
19 August: CASA 12/274; TIFP Validation and Revalidation; Civil Aviation Safety Authority [Aust]. Terminal Instrument Flight Procedures at Australian aerodromes comprise instrument approach and landing procedures and instrument departure procedures. These procedures require initial flight Validation prior to commissioning and thereafter periodic flight Revalidation to assure their continuing safety for air navigation.
Contact Ian Lonsdale On +61-2-6217-1062, or email: <tenders@casa.gov.au>.
30 August: ITP 009; Invitation to Participate – Rapid Prototyping Development and Evaluation Program; Department of Defence – DSRG [Aust]. Defence is issuing an invitation to Australian industry to join its Rapid Prototyping Development and Evaluation Program. The program is a Defence funded initiative that seeks collaboration across industry and defence in the investigation and evaluation of options for ADF capability enhancement. A key to the success of the RPDE program is the wide participation from Industry in collaborative task teams with a willingness to contribute intellectual property, know-how and experience in the investigation of questions posed by Defence. The invitation to participate is not competitive in nature. Any applicant that meets the participation criteria will be invited to join the program. The documentation is at www.rpde.org.au/publications.
Contact John Chapuis on +61-2-6127-4903; mob: 0400-491-935, or email: <ITP9@rpde.org.au>.
30 October: ASA RFT PRN293; OneSKY Australia; Airservices Australia.
This RFT represents a unique opportunity for the harmonisation of future civil and military air traffic management infrastructure and operations to achieve operational benefits and efficiencies for military and civilian airspace users, and for Airservices Australia and the Department of Defence. To access full information, a signed Deed Poll of Confidentiality is required. Industry briefings and site visits will be held 15-19 July.
Contact Airservices Australia’s Acquisition Manager on email: <afs_prn2932@airservicesaustralia.com>