Tenders 4/8/2015

By on 4 August, 2015


5 August: LPI 1415122; Provision of CORS Receivers. Land & Property Information. New South Wales.

The purpose of this document is to specify requirements and provide background information to the contractors to submit a tender for the supply of 6 to 12 GNSS CORS receivers and associated peripherals, software and operational support.

Kelly Haggett, +61 (0)2 8258 7564, kelly.haggett@lpi.nsw.gov.au.



12 August: Q-2014-036; Investigation into height of building controls and zoning in Auburn and Lidcombe Town Centres. Auburn Council. New South Wales.

Auburn City Council is seeking a suitably qualified Consultant to review certain LEP controls and zones within and surrounding the Auburn and Lidcombe Town Centres.

Ramesh Selliah, +61 (0)2 9735 1289, ramesh.selliah@auburn.nsw.gov.au.



13 August: 327766; Project Management Services – State Wide Flood Warning Gauge Telemetry Upgrade (Event Reporting Radio Telemetry System (ERRTS) Extension Project). Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Northern Territory.

A network of approximately 800 Victorian river height and rainfall monitoring sites is maintained through the Regional Water Monitoring Partnerships (RWMP) program. Some of these sites are used to collect real time rainfall and river height information for the purpose of generating flood warnings. Gauges used to provide flood warnings must have reliable telemetry, so that data may be reliably accessed during a flood emergency. Currently, there is a range of telemetry methods employed at flood warning sites across Victoria.

The purpose of the ‘ERRTS Extension Project’ is to upgrade the telemetry at selected flood monitoring sites through the addition of ERRTS. It is DELWP’s objective that data should be remotely accessible from flood warning monitoring sites by at least two telemetry pathways, including ERRTS.

The number of additional ERRTS sites to be installed through the ‘ERRTS Extension Project’ is likely to be in the order of 30-50 sites.

Contact details at above URL.



13 August: EOIMRWA001015; Provision of Traffic Demand Modelling. Main Roads. Western Australia.

The services required by Main Roads includes:

  • Independently develop a transport modelling process to better understand route choice behaviour by different vehicle types.
  • Modelling of travel times along selected routes for each vehicle class.
  • Development, calibration and validation of a traffic assignment model using Citilabs’ Cube Voyager.
  • Determine appropriate values of travel time savings to be used for vehicles in the model.
  • Undertake scenario testing to model vehicle traffic movements through various network scenarios.

Mathew Fogg, +61 (0)8 9475 8372, mathew.fogg@mainroads.wa.gov.au.



14 August: 14577450; Request for Offer of Service : Tauranga City Centre Spatial Framework and Design Manual. New Zealand.

Tauranga City Council requests for offers of service from suitably qualified persons to assist in the delivery of a Tauranga City Centre Spatial Framework and Design Manual.

Council has made a substantial commitment to streetscape, waterfront and open space infrastructure improvements in the Tauranga City centre over the next 10 year period. This Spatial Framework and Design Manual will provide guidance to the detailed plans that will be developed for each component of the investment. The document will communicate the aspirations and vision of Tauranga City, and support the implementation of street and space investment in the city centre by both Council and the private interest sector. The document will be visually engaging and include examples of best practice and illustrations and sections of streets and spaces.

Adele Hadfield, +64 (0)7 577 7000, adele.hadfield@tauranga.govt.nz.



21 August: TPD-15-4588; Signalling Technical Advisor. Transport for NSW. New South Wales.

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) requires the services of a Signalling Technical Advisor to undertake the development of the Concept Design with the option to undertake the development of the Detailed Design.

Lewis Heard, +61 (0)2 9422 5449, ProjectsProcurement@transport.nsw.gov.au.



21 August: 14651724; Improving Access to Critical and Authoritative Building Information. Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment. New Zealand.

This advance Notice of Information (NOI) is to advise that Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment intends to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) on GETS in early August 2015.

Connie Zhou, connie.zhou@mbie.govt.nz.



24 August: TSY RFT 004/15; Facilities Information Management And Computer Aided Design (CAD) Architectural Documentation Production Services. Department of the Treasury. Australia.

The successful tenderer will be required to provide two (2) main services under the proposed contract:

  1. Architectural Drawings; and
  2. Internal Fit-out Design Services.

Darren Writer, +61 (0)2 6263 2705, darren.writer@treasury.gov.au.



27 August: 14504705; Providing Technology Applications and Services for Tamaki. New Zealand.

This request for proposal has been issued by the Tāmaki Redevelopment Company Limited. The aim of Tāmaki Redevelopment Company Limited (TRC) in this process is to seek and obtain proposals from organisations who are interested in making an offer for the supply either Applications systems or Services that would be suitable for the establishment of a community housing provider. As part of this RFP process, TRC may choose to pre-qualify suitable consultants to assist with future projects.

It is essential and TRC view it as a mandatory requirement that responses to this RFP must be from providers who have evidence of providing similar systems/services to social housing providers in similar sized organisations. If your organisation has not provided systems or services in this environment previously then TRC may set your proposal aside without review.

Deanna Hackney, deanna.hackney@tamakitransformation.co.nz.



31 August: DH027873; Real Time Locating System (RTLS). SA Health. South Australia.

Further details at above URL.

Christine Richards, +61 (0)4 77330646, christine.richards@sa.gov.au.


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