10 May: DP102113; Geospatial Data Capture Systems; Department of Planning, WA. Through an invited tender, Planning WA is seeking tenders for this system.
Enquiries phone: +61-8-6551-9000.
14 May: 1213-0437; Project Management Services Panel; Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities [Aust]. The department seeks to establish a panel arrangement with one or more suppliers who can provide project management services.
Enquiries email: <Procurement.helpdesk@environment.gov.au>.
16 May: RFQ-13-09; Asset Management Plan; Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, NSW. Council seeks tenders for the development of an asset management plan for The Glasshouse. Download documents at www.tenderlink.com/pmhc.
Contact Craig Swift-McNair on +61-2-6581-8677.
17 May: 1517-2-103A; Tributaries Flood Investigation; Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Vic. The Corangamite CMA is seeking proposals to undertake the Canadian Creek tributaries flood investigation.
Enquiries phone: +61-3-5232-9100.
20 May: CIOG122-13; Software Asset Management Services; Department of Defence – CIOG [Aust]. Defence’s Hardware Software Branch in the Chief Technology Officer Division is seeking a new services and partnership arrangement in the delivery of software asset management. Defence currently sources a range of SAM services from various providers, utilising a managed service and individual contract engagements. Defence is seeking to transition these services to a single provider through a managed service delivery model. The successful tenderer will provide these managed services in conjunction with services provided by the existing APS staff. Defence will provide an overall governance of the services. Defence and the successful tenderer will develop and agree on the work plan across all services.
Contact Miles McCann <miles.mccann@defence.gov.au> on +61-2-6144-4227.
29 May: RFT 2-81; Data Management System; Sustainability Victoria. The department is seeking to engage a suitably qualified organisation to develop a data management system with web interface for ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic.
Contact David Speller on +61-3-8626-8700, or email: <requestprocurement@sustainability.vic.gov.au>.
3 June: DMOESD/0006/2013; Digital Hydrographic Database Support Services;
Defence Materiel Organisation [Aust]. The Electronic Systems Division seeks tenders for support services for the above database. The DHDB system enables the Australian Hydrographic Service to accept and manage digital data, and to compile and maintain a seamless, validated, non-conflicting, hydrographic database. This data is then used to generate and maintain a range of hydrographic products. The DHDB system avoids the double handling of information and data, and enables the location, assessment and revision of data and products as new hydrographic material comes to hand. Support Services include but are not limited to: management of services; provision of operating support services; provision of engineering services; provision of maintenance services; provision and support of support resources; and quality management.
Contact Manu Dang <Manu.Dang@defence.gov.au> on +61-2-6265-7561.