Tenders 30/3/2016

By on 30 March, 2016


Closing 8 April: DFES161416; Bushfire Related Technical Advice. Department of Fire and Emergency Services. Western Australia.

The Office of Bushfire Risk Management is seeking to establish a panel of industry experts that it can call upon from time to time to review and advise on draft policy and standards. A diverse nature of bushfire matters may be under consideration, including bushfire risk management, with particular reference to land use planning, land management, bushfire risk management, treatment regimes and various standards, policies and statutes applicable to WA.

Contact: Kirri Kable, +61(0)8 93959711, Kirri.Kable@dfes.wa.gov.au.



Closing 13 April: 17340466; CON2016021 Flow Monitoring Surveys 2016. Hastings District Council. New Zealand.

Tenders are invited for the collection and supply of sewer flow and rainfall data from a number of sites within the Hastings District Council Area, primarily Havelock North, Clive and Hastings to allow calibration of the sewer hydraulic model. The work will include:

  • Supply, installation, maintenance and removal of flow monitors, data loggers and rain gauges.
  • Capture, processing and supply of data

Contact: Cynthia Lane, +64(0)6 8715000 ext: 5430.



Closing 14 April: 27651.110; Road Pavement Assessments 2016 2017 Resurfacing Program; Territory and Municipal Services Directorate. Australian Capital Territory.

More details at above URL.

Contact: Stephen Howard, +61(0)2 62077294, stephen.howard@act.gov.au.



Closing 22 April: 17339771; Sedimentation Thresholds. Ministry for the Environment. New Zealand.

This procurement relates to the delivery of research to develop thresholds for environmental state variables related to sediment (sediment thresholds).

The objective of this study is to produce a proposed set of attribute bands that covers as many of New Zealand’s riverine environments as possible. Where this is not possible due to lack of data or knowledge, this study should define the data collection and analysis required to address these gaps.

Contact: Jillian Kuch, procurement@mfe.govt.nz.



Closing 22 April: 17340189; Heritage Building Conservation Plans. Universty of Otago. New Zealand.

The purpose of this Request for Tender (RFT) is to invite suitably experienced parties to submit tenders for the provision of heritage conservation plans for seven buildings in the University of Otago Clock Tower heritage precinct.

Contact: Murdo Ross, +64 (0)3 479 8027.


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