Tenders 27/8/13

By on 27 August, 2013

28 August: Q13-0362; Stuart Park Transport Study; Department of Transport, NT. Tenders are sought for these services.

Enquiries, phone: +61-8-8999-5511.



10 September: ACPN__10579; Field Surveys for Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling; Auckland Council, NZ. Tenders are sought for field surveys for stormwater hydraulic modelling in the Puhinui Creek Catchment. The services are as follows:

  • Floor level survey of buildings prone to flooding
  • Cross section survey of streams and open channels
  • Survey of stormwater assets, e.g. manholes, pipes, inlets and outlets
  • Survey of watercourse crossings, e.g. culverts and bridges
  • Topographical survey of ponds including inlet and outlet structures.

Contact Malo Wong <malo.wong@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz>.



11 September: 2013/4039; Marine Vessel for Industry Standard Seismic Data Acquisition Services; Geoscience Australia. Tenders are sought for supply of a seismic acquisition vessel and the services associated for the acquisition of 3D and 2D Industry seismic data and optional additional marine data within the Gippsland Basin off Victoria. The timing of this survey is critical but GA will review all offers. Ideally the acquisition would commence late February, but no later than April 2014.

Contact Officer Tony Whitty on +61-2-6249-9797, or email: <Contracts@ga.gov.au>.



11 September: DHA-HO-14-17; Survey Services; Defence Housing Australia. DHA seeks tenders for survey works at Warner, in Brisbane.

Contact Layna Stephens <Laynas@peet.com.au> on +61-7-3166- 0313.



12 September: PWS BS 1301; Asset Audit Services – Future Reserved Lands; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tas. Tenders are sought for consultancy services to inspect a range of sites (land) and assets identified from Parks and Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania collective data,  and to make a determination on other assets discovered during the inspection process. NOTE: A MANDATORY pre-tender briefing session will be held at the Marine Board Building, this Thursday 29 August. Advise the Contact Officer by email of intention to attend.

Contact Trevor Keating <Trevor.Keating@parks.tas.gov.au> on +61-3-6429-8718; mob: 0428-333-884.



13 September: Site Investigations Program; Port of Hastings Development Authority, Vic. The Authority invites tenders for three works programs:

  • Marine Geotechnical Investigation
  • Terrestrial Geotechnical Investigation
  • Marine Geophysics Survey

Information is at www.portofhastings.com. Enquiries, email: <tenders@portofhastings.com>.



19 September: DMOFSP/RFT0177/2013; Computing System for Power Hardware-in-the-Loop; Defence Materiel Organisation. DMO seeks a Demonstrator Hardware-in-the-Loop computing system, with associated training and support, to enable DSTO’s Power and Energy Systems Group to conduct testing and analysis on an integrated system, in support of SEA1000 Future Submarines Program.

Enquiries, email: <SEA.1000@defence.gov.au>.



24 September: 0787-2014; Disaster Recovery Systems; Banyule City Council, Vic. Council seeks tenders for the design, implementation and support services for a disaster recovery solution. The contract will also include the procurement of associated software and hardware. Documents are at www.banyule.vic.gov.au.

Contact Scott Butler on +61-3-9490-4223.



2 October: DEHP 2014; Environment and Heritage Standing Offer Panel; Department of Defence – DSRG. Defence Support and Reform Group is establishing a Panel arrangement for the provision of ongoing environment and heritage services. The Panel will comprise six streams; tenderers may bid for one or more of the categories which include: environmental management systems; energy efficiency, environmental resource management & sustainability; biodiversity, landscape management, environmental impact assessment and bushfire preparedness planning; contaminated sites assessment and management and pollution prevention; and heritage assessment and management. An Industry Briefing will be held in Canberra on 29 August.

Contact Nicole West on +61-2-6266-8819, or email: <BDP.DEHP@defence.gov.au>.

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