Tenders 26/5/2015

By on 26 May, 2015


1 June: 12127067; Invitation to Programme Launch – Development of Housing on Crown Land in Auckland. Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, New Zealand.

Invitation to attend a launch of a programme of work to develop housing on Crown land in Auckland.

MBIE is leading a work programme to facilitate the development of housing on parcels of Crown land in Auckland. Identification of suitable land parcels is currently being undertaken and will be on-going concurrent with the identification of suitable partners able and willing to work with the Crown on these developments.

MBIE intends, through an open contestable process, to identify a shortlist of suitably qualified parties or consortia with the capability and capacity to deliver housing developments at pace in Auckland.

Attendance at the launch will not be a mandatory requirement under the subsequent procurement process; rather it is to allow the Government to outline the purpose of the programme and to allow developers to participate in shaping the subsequent procurement process.

Kris Galloway, Kris.Galloway@mbie.govt.nz



9 June: DTIRIS15/290; Riparian and Aquatic Health Monitoring Project. Catchment Management Authority, New South Wales.

The successful contractor would be required to undertake the implementation of the Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improving approach (MERI) detailed in the Monitoring Outcomes from Murray Local Land Services Riparian Interventions: Plan and Year 1 Pilot (2015). Developed by the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research.

The plan details the:

  • conceptual models;
  • objectives;
  • key evaluation questions;
  • monitoring approach;
  • data management and
  • communications required.

Emmo Willinck, +61 (2) 6051 2220, emmo.willinck@lls.nsw.gov.au



18 June: 12204383: Request for Tender for the Supply of Social Impact Assessment Specialist Services. Department of Correction, New Zealand.

The purpose of this RFT is to invite Suppliers to submit a Tender for Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Specialist Services with information on their skills and experience to provide advice to the Department and support implementing, monitoring and evaluating the SIMP to avoid, remedy or mitigate social and cultural effects attributable to the presence of Auckland Regional Women’s Corrections Facility (ARWCF) and Auckland South Corrections Facility (ASCF) at Wiri, Auckland.

Kaleti Moala-Mafi, Kaleti.Moala-Mafi@CORRECTIONS.GOVT.NZ



22 June: DSD027563; Potential Sites for a Northern Adelaide Food Park. Department of State Development, South Australia.

The Department of State Development (DSD), through the Economic Development Board (EDB), invites your organisation to provide a submission to a Request for Information (RFI) on available parcels of land that are suitable for the purpose of developing a food park in northern Adelaide.

The EDB, along with Food SA, Primary Industries and Regions SA and DSD, have been investigating the concept of a food park.  This would entail creating or facilitating an area specifically to allow the co-location of food manufacturers, food packaging specialists, cold-chain suppliers, logistics and transport companies and other related service providers with a view to increasing efficiency and competitiveness.

The RFI is being undertaken to identify contiguous parcels of land in northern Adelaide to be assessed to determine a preferred site that could service the needs of a food park with capacity for long-term growth.

Corey Ogilvy, + 61 (8) 8303 2496


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