Tenders 26/4/2016

By on 26 April, 2016


Closing 26 April: 17434054; Notice of Intent: Advanced Survey and Title Services (ASaTS) Project. Land Information New Zealand.

The Advanced Survey and Title Services (ASaTS) Project will deliver second generation technology and improve the services that LINZ provides to its customers. ASaTS will increase the availability and quality of property information to support high quality decision making, while moving the survey and title service on to an agile and sustainable technology platform.

LINZ is advising interested parties (Respondents) of its intention to issue an Expression of Interest (EOI) in connection with the ASaTS Project on or around 26 April 2016. The EOI is the first step in a multi-stage procurement process. It gives qualified Respondents the chance to provide information and insights into solutions that meet LINZ’s needs.

Contact: Land Information New Zealand Procurement Team, procurementteam@linz.govt.nz.



Closing 5 May: RFT-10004061; North Bega Sewage Survey for Detailed Design. New South Wales Public Works.

North Bega Sewage Survey of pump station site and rising main routes

Contact: Caroline McDonald, +61 (0)2 4474 7551, +61 (0)437 766 097, caroline.mcdonald@finance.nsw.gov.au.



Closing 6 May: TMRTPPRFQ1060; Expression of Interest: Queensland Cycling Strategy publications suite and Interactive Online Content development. Department of Transport and Main Roads – Policy & Planning. Queensland.

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is seeking a Professional Service Provider to provide technical writing, graphic design, desktop publishing, and develop interactive online content services to assist TMR’s internal Queensland Cycling Strategy project team to produce the new Queensland Cycling Strategy, Action Plan, and State of Cycling Report.

Contact: Darrin Vance, 30661424, darrin.z.vance@tmr.qld.gov.au.



Closing 6 May: RMS.16.0000003662.0862; Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan Digital Portal. Roads and Maritime Services. New South Wales.

Roads and Maritime Service require maintenance to its existing online portal and creating new digital products for projects part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan.

Contact: Catherine Orzinski, +61 (0)2 8849 2264, catherine.orzinski@rms.nsw.gov.au.



Closing 10 May: AHC039230; Asset Management System. Adelaide Hills Council. South Australia.

Asset Management System (including property management, contract management, and road pavement management functionality).

Contact: Mark Buckerfield, +61 (0)8 84080566.



Closing 16 May: 17426700; Building Services Engineering and Design Services to the WorkPlace Project. Wellington City Council.

This Registration of Interest (ROI) is to invite interested parties to submit proposals to provide Building Services Engineering and Design Services for Wellington City Council’s WorkPlace Project.

The WorkPlace Project comprises five core streams of work on the Civic Administration Building (CAB) and Central Library. A design consultant team is required to complete the design and services required to implement WorkPlace and its principles. The Architect will act as the Lead Consultant, co-ordinating all design service providers. This ROI is to shortlist suitably qualified Building Services Engineering consultants to move to the RFP stage.

Contact: Mel Briasco, +64 (0) 21 421 741, m.briasco@tbig.co.nz.




Closing 25 May: HLTHQ0ETT16000025; Tunnel Survey Works. Ministry of Health. Singapore.

Invitation to tender For Topographical, Cadastral And Geometric Tunnel Survey Works For Elective Care Centre and new National Dental Centre Singapore At Plots H1A & 1B, Outram Medical Campus.

Contact: John Poh, +65 68185811, MOHH_HIPD_OMCECC@mohh.com.sg.



Closing 26 May: 17445726; Future Transport Implications Study. New Zealand Transport Agency.

The NZ Transport Agency is seeking to appoint a Researcher to undertake the following economic analysis research project:

ART 16/14 – The future nature and characteristics of employment and economic activity and its inter and intra urban transport sector and land use implications

The research will be independent research, albeit guided by a research project steering group which will be chaired by a Transport Agency representative. The results of the research must be able to be cost effectively applied in New Zealand in the short-to-medium term for longer-term impacts.

Contact: Kajal Parbhu, +64 (0)4 8946398.


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