Tenders 24/6/14

By on 24 June, 2014

27 June 2014: DMOESD/RFI0110/2014; Tactical Data System. Defence Materiel Organisation – Office of Special Counsel.

Tactical Data System for Joint Project 2072 Phase 3. A system to support bandwidth intensive applications and provide line of sight and beyond line of sight flexible tactical data distribution from Brigade to Platoon level. A voice capacity is also desirable. This forms part of the Battlespace Communications System – Land.

Project Officer: michael.deterding@defence.gov.au.



30 June 2014: 570-04; Request for Tender for Provision for Services relating to the Search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

On 8 March 2014, a Boeing 777 aircraft, operated as Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers, disappeared during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Through the analysis of available satellite, radar and other data, it has been determined that MH370 is likely to be in the southern Indian Ocean within Australia’s search and rescue zone.

In accordance with Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Malaysia, as the State of registry for the aircraft, is the State conducting the investigation into the occurence involving the disappearance of MH370. In accordance with the provisions of Annex 13, Australia as the State closest to the likley location of MH370, has offered its continuing assistance.

It has been decided between Malaysia and Australia, that Australia will lead the search for MH370.  This arrangement includes Australia contracting the commercial services required to undertake the search operation.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is the Australian agency responsible for the seafloor search.  The ATSB is seeking to contract services to:

  • search for and locate MH370 within a defined search area on the seafloor; and
  • if located, map and obtain optical imaging of MH370.

Contact Officer opsearch@atsb.gov.au.

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