20 March: 9032611; RFP Firth of Thames/Hauraki Gulf Enrichment Stage Mapping. Waikato Regional Council, NZ.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued to enable the Council to identify a Respondent to provide data, maps and interpretations of the current state of the benthic environment of the Firth of Thames and south-western Hauraki Gulf by applying the benthic enrichment stage approach (Keeley et al. 2012) as well as to propose supplementary tools for the assessment of benthic enrichment. The work has a particular emphasis on benthic effects of aquaculture but also addresses other sources of organic enrichment, such as land-derived organic matter.
Contact : Hilke Giles hilke.giles@waikatoregion.govt.nz.
20 March: 9067417; Northland Strategic Water Management Study. Northland Regional Council, NZ.
Northland Strategic Water Management Study
Contact: Darryl Jones darrylj@nrc.govt.nz (09) 4701247
20 March: DNRM1498; Seismic Scanning Project Part 2: Seismic Header Update Project (SHUP). Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.
Geological Survey of Queensland’S (GSQ) seismic catalogue contains some data in a non-SEGY format and some SEGY files that are missing essential data. The purpose of this project is to update the Department’s current seismic catalogue to create a complete automatically loadable SEGY seismic dataset that will be supplied to Industry. The project will be split into 4 subprojects and 4 Quality Assurance (QA) subprojects. Subproject 1: is the compilation of textual header, binary header and trace header information; Subprojects 2 and 3: are the update of the textual header, binary header and trace headers of SEGY files enabling them to be automatically loaded into standard industry software; Subproject 4: is the conversion of scanned sections images to SEGY and updating the headers so that they will be able to be automatically loaded into standard industry software.
Enquiries: Kylie Rampton DNRM kylie.rampton@ehp.qld.gov.au.
?? ???: TfNSW 2015/011; RFP for Software Asset Management Services. Transport for NSW.
For access, contact: Alicia Wang 02 8574 3262 Alicia.wang@transport.nsw.gov.au.