Tenders 2/4/13

By on 2 April, 2013

Notice of Intention: ACPN_7763; LiDAR Data Collection; Auckland Council, NZ. Council intends to release a tender this week commencing for the provision of Auckland LiDAR Data Collection 2013. The RFP scope will seek to identify a single LiDAR Data Collection provider to provide:

  • Acquisition of LiDAR data and the creation of derived datasets over approximately 2250 sq km of the Auckland region, flying to begin winter 2013 with a requirement for data to be captured during leaf-off conditions before 31 October.
  • Capture of survey point data to verify LiDAR accuracy over the region.

No response to this notice is required. Contact Shane King Shane.king@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz on +64-9-301-3866.



11 April: 0510024558; Information Systems Business Plan, Service Delivery; Sydney Water Corporation, NSW. Tenders are sought for the preparation of an information systems business plan for service delivery division based on current and future state business processes and information requirements.
Contact Jeff Micallef jeff.micallef@sydneywater.com.au on +61-2-8762-5362.



12 April: CA130012; Desktop and Field Study; Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited, Qld. Tenders are sought for a desktop and field study to identify and prioritise high value habitat areas for enhancement and restoration in the region and wider bioregion.
Contact Ben Gibbs gibbsb@gpcl.com.au on +61-7-4976-1653; technical enquiries to Paul Sullivan sullivanp@gpcl.com.au on +61-7-4976-1263.



12 April: ACPN_10601; Field Surveys for Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling; Auckland Council, NZ. Council is tendering field survey services for the Tamaki River – Papatoetoe Catchment.
Contact Malo Wong Malo.Wong@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz on +64-9-261-8482.



12 April: ACPN_10544; Field Surveys for Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling; Auckland Council, NZ.  Council seeks tenders for a field survey of stormwater assets, stream cross sections and stream crossing structures within the Mangere Inlet Catchment.
Contact Malo Wong Malo.Wong@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz on +64-9-261-8482.



16 April: WAPOL01213; Mobile Device Management Solution; Western   Australia Police. The organisation seeks tenders for the provision of a mobile device management solution, and support and maintenance.
For documents, contact Jayden Naso jayden.naso@finance.wa.gov.au on +61-8-6551-1487; technical enquiries to Jason Fraser Jason.Fraser2@police.wa.gov.au on +61-8-6229-5048.


16 April: CS7130; Enterprise Business Metadata System; SA Water Corporation.
The corporation invites tenders from potential suppliers for the provision of an Enterprise Business Metadata System.
Contact Tom Nguyen tom.nguyen@sawater.com.au.



19 April: DEWNR023972; Wetland Management Plans for Riverine Recovery Project, (up to 12 wetlands); Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. Tenders are sought for a review of existing wetland management documentation and data (including documentation and data being collected/ prepared at the time of tender preparation). The project includes consultation with  landholders, Indigenous groups, technical experts and other stakeholders; and prepare Wetland Management Plans for up to 12 wetlands. The DEWNR may seek one or more contractor/s to undertake the delivery of this RFT and may withdraw sites from the RFT.  A briefing session will be held in Metropolitan Adelaide (TBA) on 8 Apr. Register with the Contact Officer by 4pm, 5 April.
Contact Dr Karl Hillyard karl.hillyard@sa.gov.au on +61-8-8463-6587.


23 April: 47024E/47025E; Flood Studies; Shoalhaven City Council, NSW. Quotations are sought for the Lake Woollumboola flood study [47024E] and the Greenwell Point floodplain risk management options feasibility study [47025E]. Documents can be downloaded at www.tenderlink.com/shoalhaven
Contact Matthew Apolo on +61-2-4429-3392.



23 April: 46832E; Flood Studies; Shoalhaven City Council, NSW. Tenders are invited for the Tabourie Lake and Bomaderry Creek floodplain risk management studies and plans. Documents can be downloaded at www.tenderlink.com/shoalhaven
Contact Ali Sevenler on +61-2-4429 3554.



23 April: 033-2012-13; Radio Telemetry System Equipment; Bureau of Meteorology [Aust]. Tenders are sought for the provision of event reporting radio telemetry system equipment, to be used mainly in legacy flood warning data collection networks.
Contact Peter Ashton pashton@bom.gov.au on +61-3-9669-4438.



23 April: 1320; Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan; City of Sydney, NSW. Council invites tenders for the preparation of catchment floodplain risk management study and plans for Blackwattle Bay and Johnstons Creek.
Contact Mike OHara mohara@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au on +61-2-9265-9436.



30 April: 1213/37; Floodplain Risk Management Study and Management Plan; Wentworth Shire Council, NSW. Council seeks tenders for the completion of a floodplain risk management study an preparation of a floodplain risk management plan. Tender documents are at www.wentworth.nsw.gov.au
For contractual information phone Kathy Collinson; technical information from Greg Johnston on +61-3-5027-5027.



30 April: 3 Flood Study Tenders; Hills Shire Council, NSW

30 April: T13-18; Flood Warning and Gauging at Low Level Bridges and Causeways; Hills Shire Council, NSW. Council is seeking tenders for the procurement of an early warning forecasting and recovery system that will allow Council to respond to inundation of the low level bridges and causeway creek crossings in an effective and timely manner for public safety.

30 April: T13-19; Dam Surveillance and Reporting for Flood Detention Basins; Hills Shire Council, NSW. Council is seeking tenders for the procurement of Dam Surveillance, Reporting, and Dam Break Analysis for Flood Detention Basins in accordance with NSW Dam Safety Committee requirements.

30 April: T13-21; Urban Overland Flow Flood Study; Hills Shire Council, NSW. Council is seeking tenders an Urban Overland Flow Flood Study within the shire council area.

For all tenders: to register as a supplier and to download documents free of charge, go to https://www.tenderlink.com/thehills select ‘Registration’ and follow the prompts.

Contact Mamun Rashid on +61-2-9843-0181.

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