Tenders 23/4/13

By on 23 April, 2013

[No Date]: New Zealand Fisheries Observer Services [Notification of Registration of Interest; Ministry for Primary Industries, NZ. The Ministry will release an ROI in May for delivery of some aspects of the work carried out by onboard observers on fishing vessels. MPI wants to assess the level of interest and capability in the market to deliver a component of the fisheries observer program. The program is critical to maintaining the integrity of the fisheries management regime in New Zealand. Observers are trained to collect data during fishing voyages to inform scientific analyses, fisheries management decisions, and compliance investigations. A briefing session for potential providers of the services will be held in Wellington on 6 May.  Email: <observer_procurement@mpi.govt.nz> to register to attend in person or via video link.
Contact Keith Murphy <keith.murphy@mpi.govt.nz>.



1 May: Cadastral Surveying Services Panel; Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, NZ. CERA is seeking proposals for the supply of cadastral surveying services. It is seeking to establish an open panel of suppliers to provide the Services for a three year period.
Contact Mike Frawley <mike.frawley@cera.govt.nz>.


6 May: RFT2013-NGL-7-B; Electromagnetic Survey Equipment; CSIRO [Aust].
Tenders are sought for a high powered electromagnetic surveying system that can be used for moderate to deep explorations with a range of techniques in sedimentary basins.
Contact CSIRO Procurement Officer on email: <RFT2013-NGL-7-B@CSIRO.AU>.



6 May: RFT2013-NGL-9-A; Passive Seismic Array Equipment; CSIRO [Aust].
Tenders are sought for passive seismic equipment suitable for monitoring natural seismicity and ambient noise fields, injection-induced seismicity and microseismic events as part of research into C02 geosequestration. It is a package system that includes hardware, acquisition and processing software. The project includes installation and training, and support for a period of up to three years.
Contact CSIRO Procurement Officer on email: <RFT2013-NGL-9-A@CSIRO.AU>.



9 May: 22128; Flood Study and Stormwater PSP Design; ACT Government.
Tenders are sought for the Sullivans Creek Flood Study, and a concept design for floodways and retarding basins in and around the new suburb of Kenny, Gungahlin.
Contact Miloje Beljic on +61-2-6207-1664, or email: <SharedServicesProcurementInfrastructure@act.gov.au>.



10 May: 2013.040; Underground Service Depthings; Glen Eira City Council, Vic.
Tenders are sought for these services, including finding, locating and proving of underground services associated with various designs for construction projects within the City.
For details and documents, email: <tenders@gleneira.vic.gov.au>.



14 May: TCN007/13; Footpath Condition Rating Inspection; City of Port Adelaide Enfield, SA. Tenders are sought for these services.
Contact James Nenke on +61-8-8405-6992.



15 May: 000039; Consultancy – Flood Plain and Flood Hazard Studies; City of Playford, SA. Council seeks consultancy services for the Smith Creek Flood Plain and Flood Hazard studies.
Contact Michael Knowles on +61-8-8256-0567.



15 May: FWBC2013/1; Mobile-enabled Case Management System; Office of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate [Aust]. FWBC seeks tenders for the design, development and implementation of a mobile-enabled Case Management System. The CMS will integrate a number of existing stand-alone systems to provide a single system that is accessible from both desktop computers and mobile devices.
Contact Glyn Cryer <glyn.cryer@fwbc.gov.au> on +61-2-9297-9002.



22 May: 2012/13-41; Sealed Road Condition Survey; Colac Otway Shire Council, Vic. Councils seeks quotes for a condition survey of a nominated section of the shire’s sealed local road network. The project also includes collection of basic attribute data and provision of a spatial map of kerb and channel assets along the surveyed roads. Download documents at www.colacotway.vic.gov.au [current tenders page].
Enquiries phone: +61-3-5232-9400.



5 June: [advertised last week – incorrect closing date] 13/624; Floodplain Risk Management Consultancy Services; Hurstville City Council, NSW. Council is seeking expressions of interest for a floodplain risk management study for the whole of the Hurstville LGA. The study is the first stage of council’s Floodplain Risk Management Plan; it will comprise data collection and floodplain mapping. Register at www.tendelink.com/hurstville.
Contact Oman Wijayaratna on +61-2-9330-6218.

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