Tenders 23/2/2016

By on 23 February, 2016


Closing 8 March: 04558E41; Wathnet Model Independent Expert Review 2015/2016. Water New South Wales.

Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services for the Wathnet Model Independent Expert Review 2015/2016.

Raj Rajendran, +61 (0)2 4724 2270, procurement@waternsw.com.au.



Closing 16 March: 17216526; Spreydon School Building Information Modelling (BIM) Pilot Project. Ministry of Education. New Zealand.

The Ministry’s Christchurch Schools Rebuild (CSR) Programme property team is intending to let a contract for Project Management services for the Spreydon School, Building Information Modelling (BIM) Pilot Project.

Michael Blake, +64 (0)4 463 7092.



Closing 17 March: 17230450; Opotiki Harbour Development-Contract 117-Geotechnical Investigations. Opotiki District Council. New Zealand.

Request for tender invitation to suitably qualified suppliers for Geotechnical Investigations in the inner harbour waters of the Opotiki Harbour. Work involves minimum 5 fully cored machine bores and 15 cone penetrometer tests, both to 10 m depth in Harbour approximately 0-3 metres water depth on sediments.

Tender Manager:Chris Hopman, +64 (0)7 315 3030, chrish@odc.govt.nz.



Closing 11 March: BMW040350113; Department of Finance – Engineering & Building Specialists Consultancy Panel. Department of Finance. Western Australia.

Department of Finance – Engineering & Building Specialists Consultancy Panel 2014 – February 2016 Refresh of Categories – Security, Acoustics and Time Programming

Anna Rechichi, +61 (0)8 6551 1787, anna.rechichi@finance.wa.gov.au.



Closing 11 March: PW10502; KEMH P&B Block Remodelling. Department of Health. Western Australia.

Remodelling of King Edward Memorial Hospital Laboratories P & B Blocks.

Martin Carroll, +61 (0) 418 671 275, martin.carroll@app.com.au.



Closing 23 March: PWD00249-15; Darwin – Sampling for a Period of 36 Months. Power and Water Corporation. Northern Territory.

Tradewaste Sampling and Sewerage Sludge Sampling for a Period of 36 Months.

Technical Enquiries +61 (0)8 8924 5281.


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