24 April: RFx ID: 11006788; Advance Notice, HS46-HS49: Hydrographic Surveys within the Northland Region. Land Information New Zealand.
Advance notice to potential suppliers of upcoming contract opportunities for hydrographic surveying services.
Paul Turkington, PTurkington@linz.govt.nz, +64 (4) 498 3513
1 May: RFTGA2015/1219; National Geographic Information Project -WP1235. Geoscience Australia.
This project involves the conflation of the 1:25K Drainage networks along QLD East Coast Basin – Jeannie River, Whitsunday Islands and Curtis Island Catchments work project extents with the AUSHYDRO 250k networks and the extraction of a new 250k network which results from the conflation.
Contact: Contracts Manager, Tenders@ga.gov.au
5 May: RFx ID: 11006574, Ref #: ACPN_18441; RFP One Tree Catchment Field Survey Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling. Auckland Council.
Request for proposal: One Tree Catchment Field Survey Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling.
Malo Wong, malo.wong@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz, +64 (2) 184 9844
6 May: DTIRIS 15/147; North Waldaira Water Efficiency Scheme Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report. Department of Primary Industries, NSW.
A consultant, using a suitably qualified and experienced archaeologist is required to work with NOW, the Traditional Owners and other relevant stakeholders to:
- Undertake cultural heritage assessments of the proposed Mungadal Water Efficiency River Scheme pipeline corridor, including the proposed pump site, access routes, pipeline routes, tank and trough locations, set down areas, field depot locations and any other location where disturbance may compromise ACH if present. Required assessments are to be undertaken in accordance with:
- Guide to investigating, assessing and reporting on Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW (OEH 2011)
- Code of Practice for Archaeological Investigation of Aboriginal objects in NSW (OEH 2010)
- Produce and provide all reports and documents required to support the project’s heritage assessment and management requirements in accordance with:
- National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NPWS Act)
- Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and
- Associated Regulations
- Engage with the Traditional Owners and other relevant stakeholders throughout the course of the heritage assessment process in accordance with Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for proponents (OEH 2010).
- Make any Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) application required for the project under the NPW Act.
Ian Charlton, phone: +61 (2) 4904 2604, mobile: +61 438 302 464, Ian.charlton@dpi.nsw.gov.au
8 May: 15-12; GMCT Land Strategy. The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust, Victoria.
GMCT is seeking a suitably qualified organisation/consortium to prepare a high level Land Strategy to provide a long term, holistic and integrated approach to cemetery land use planning and development across the GMCT managed metropolitan regions and adjoining peri-urban municipalities.
See above URL for further information.
11 May: MRA04614; Midland Engineering Consultancy Services Panel. Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority, Western Australia.
MRA wishes to obtain proposals for appointment to a panel of suppliers for the provision of pre-qualified Engineering Consultancy Services, for land development and sales within the Midland Redevelopment Area.
See above URL for further information.
15 May: RFx ID: 11063067, Ref #: 2015-351 ART 15-12; Asset Management Research Topic 2. NZ Transport Agency.
The Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) monitoring project has been recoding condition information for numerous pavements throughout New Zealand since 2001. Whilst there have been many research projects that have utilised aspects of the collected data, interpretation of the entire database has not been attempted, nor have any studies utilised data from the last few years. With fifteen years of monitoring it is expected that the data will provide value insights on asset management practices.
Jo Janaszkiewicz, +64 (4) 894 6732
22 May: RFx ID: 11172785; Contract Number 2015 0290 EOI Bus Real Time Information Systems for Tauranga. Bay of Plenty Regional Council, New Zealand.
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified companies to deliver a Real Time Information system for Tauranga city covering both its school bus and urban bus network.
Questions relating to this EOI can be directed to joe.metcalfe@boprc.govt.nz and should be sent by 10 May, 2015 and the associated answer will be circulated to register Respondents no later than 15 May, 2015
24 April: RFx ID: 11006788; Advance Notice, HS46-HS49: Hydrographic Surveys within the Northland Region. Land Information New Zealand.
Advance notice to potential suppliers of upcoming contract opportunities for hydrographic surveying services.
Paul Turkington, PTurkington@linz.govt.nz, +64 (4) 498 3513