26 January: 7410270; Database and Visualisation Tool. NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The Ministry has been asked to become a central repository for a live database on the past, current and future projected NZ Inc. (refers collectively to New Zealand government agencies) international footprint. This includes physical locations, numbers and distribution of seconded and Locally Employed Staff ( LES) staff for all NZ Inc. agencies. In addition, the Ministry is required to be able to provide a visual display of the data on a map.
The Ministry is looking for one of the following options:
- Purchase an off the shelf database and visualisation tool; or
- Purchase a database and visualisation tool separately. In this case the vendor will be responsible for the integration; or
- If neither of the above solutions exists, then we may consider a bespoke development
The Ministry requires a database to enable it to efficiently and effectively store and display this information. The purpose of this document is to communicate the detailed software requirements for the required database.
Contact: Michele Usher DM-PRO@mfat.govt.nz.
30 January: EPA-91-2014; GPS Unit Vehicle Tracking. NSW Environment Protection Authority.
The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH/EPA) are seeking to engage a supplier experienced in delivering GPS Unit Vehicle Tracking (GPSUVT). The supplier will develop and deliver a vehicle tracking system that will enable the EPA track the movement of certain vehicles transporting waste.
Contact: Andrew Ward-Harvey (02) 9995 6191 andrew.ward-harvey@epa.nsw.gov.au.
9 February: RFS2015-02; Bush Fire Risk Information Management Capability. NSW Rural Fire Service.
The RFS is seeking information from selected vendors who can demonstarte a range of available products and services (CoTS) together with the capability, capacity and experience to deliver such solution.
Contact: Susan Greenwood. Phone: (02) 8741 5590. Fax: (02) 8741 5194. contracts@rfs.nsw.gov.au.
10 February: 8102138; RFT Waimahia Creek Catchment Field Survey. Auckland Council.
Request for Tender for the provision of Waimahia Creek Catchment Field Survey for Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling.
Contact: Neda Hasan neda.hasan@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz. (+64) 09 890 4361
11 February: D14-0405; Darwin – Marine Industrial Park – Geotechnical and Geophysical Survey Investigation Report. NT Land Development Corporation.
See website for further information.
16 February: 7705392; Unmanned Aerial Systems for Biosecurity Purposes – Feasibility Study. NZ Minister for Primary Industries.
The objective of this ROI is to identify potential providers for a feasibility study including research and development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) that can be used in biosecurity applications i.e. Detection, Surveillance and Eradication of Unwanted pests and diseases.
- Research and development of UAS(s) that will provide biosecurity surveillance for unwanted pests and diseases
- Reporting on the effectiveness of the UAS(s) for its intended use and effective uses of the UAS(s) in other biosecurity situations.
- A pilot study within the parameters of a controlled environment
Contact: David Williams david.williams@mpi.govt.nz (+64) 04 894 0208