24 August: TSY RFT 004/15; Facilities Information Management And Computer Aided Design (CAD) Architectural Documentation Production Services. Department of the Treasury. Australia.
The successful tenderer will be required to provide two (2) main services under the proposed contract:
- Architectural Drawings; and
- Internal Fit-out Design Services.
Darren Writer, +61 (0)2 6263 2705, darren.writer@treasury.gov.au.
27 August: 328245; Victorian Forest Monitoring Program ground plot measurements for 2015/16, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Victoria.
The Department is seeking responses to this Request for Tender for the provision of professional level services to be used to in various combinations to re-measure permanent forest monitoring plots and in some cases install and measure permanent monitoring plots and record the information that describes these plots to the required specifications. There are 140 ground plots, divided into seven work packages.
Contact details at above URL.
4 September: TPD-15-4578; Newcastle Light Rail – Engineering, Urban Design and Light Rail Systems. Transport for NSW.
Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) is seeking Tenders from experienced and suitably qualified organisations for the provision of Engineering, Urban Design and Light Rail Systems advice for the Newcastle Light Rail project.
Fernando San Pedro, +61 (0)2 9422 7521, Fernando.San.Pedro@transport.nsw.gov.au.
9 September: 15118971; 2016 Sun Exposure Survey. Health Promotion Agency. New Zealand.
The Health Promotion Agency is currently seeking proposals for the delivery of research services for the 2016 Sun Exposure Survey. The aim of this research is to continue the collection of national data that will allow monitoring of trends in New Zealanders’ attitude on sun exposure and tanning, and sun exposure behaviour, with particular focus on preventative strategies and risk factors. Findings from this research will aid future sector decision making and inform campaign work and interventions.
11 September: 15102019; Forecasting spatial and temporal land use change: incorporating duality in land use for growth modelling. New Zealand Transport Agency.
Travel is largely a derived demand which occurs due to a desire to participate in activities in different locations or to shift goods to a different location. Any projections or forecasts of future travel rely upon implicit or explicit assumptions about spatial projections of what activities will take place where.
The gap in existing knowledge is where the impact of a transport activity may result in a land use response. Current transport modelling assumes: fixed land use and fixed growth at the base, however individuals and business respond to proposed changes generating growth and land use changes. Fixed land use results in this observed growth crowding out the future forecast allowable growth.
Jo Janaszkiewicz, +64 (0)4 894 6732