2 July: DCTB024238; Stormwater Management Plan; District Council of Tumby Bay, SA. Council invites tenders for the preparation of a stormwater management plan for the township of Tumby Bay.
Contact Damian Windsor on +61-8-8688-2101.
5 July: 1831; Building Surveying services; City of Port Phillip, Vic. Council seeks tenders for the services of a Senior Building Surveyor.
Documents are www.tenderlink.com/portphillip.
Phone council’s main switchboard on +61-3-9209-6277 or email <assist@portphillip.vic.gov.au>.
9 July: Engineering Consultancy Services [Panel]; Gosford City Council, NSW.
Council is seeking expressions of interest for a panel of providers for a range of services. The panel will be established for two years with an option of one-year extension. When established, the panel will request quotations on an as-needed basis. Download documents at www.gosford.nsw.gov.au.
Contact David Woodley <david.woodley@gosford.nsw.gov.au> on +61-2-4325-8182.
9 July: SOPA0201; Frog Monitoring Program; Sydney Olympic Park Authority, NSW. Tenders are sought for this project to assess the population of the Green and Golden Bell population at Sydney Olympic Park through the implementation of a monitoring program.
Contact Jennifer O’Meara on <jenny.omeara@sopa.nsw.gov.au> on +61-2-9714-7926.
10 July: DEC2430012013; Hydrology Study; Department of Environment and Conservation, WA. Tenders are sought for a hydrology study of proposed naturebank sites at the Millstream Chichester Natural Park.
For documents, contact Sharon Howell <sharon.howell@finance.wa.gov.au> on +61-8-9194-9730; technical enquiries to Matthew King <Matthew.king@dec.wa.gov.au> on +61-8-9334-0499.
15 July: CA130033; Monitor Population Health and Causes of Death of Marine Megafauna; Gladstone Ports Corporation, Qld. The Corporation seeks tenders for this project under the Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Program. Information about the ERMP is at www.westernbasinportdevelopment.com.au/ermp
Enquiries, email <ermp@westernbasinportdevelopment.com.au>.
19 July: TQE13/12; Coastal Zone Management Study and Plan; Kempsey Shire Council, NSW. Council is seeking expressions of interest for the preparation of this study and plan for the Kempsey Shire coastline. Download documents at www.kempsey.nsw.gov.au/tenders.
Contact Ron Kemsley <ron.kemsley@kempsey.nsw.gov.au> on +61-2-6566-3248.