Tenders 18/2/14

By on 18 February, 2014

28 February: MD2621; Development of a Building Blocks Model and Efficiency Assessment of River Murray Operations. Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

The project is to (1) develop a building blocks model of River Murray Operations (RMO), and (2) undertake a rigorous efficiency assessment of RMO to establish the efficient cost base as input to the building blocks model in accordance with the requirements of the Water Charge (Infrastructure) Rules (WCIR).

Contact Officer: Bodie Schwab-Orr (02) 6279 0100 procurement@mdba.gov.au  http://www.mdba.gov.au.



7 March: RFQJP2088-01/2014; Handheld Personal Digital Assistant. Defence Materiel Organisation – Land Systems Division.

Soldier Modernisation Systems Program Office on behalf of the Australian Defence Force is seeking the supply of Quantity 117 ruggedised Handheld Personal Digital Assistants.

Tanya Buck (03) 9282 6651 tanya.buck@defence.gov.au.



31 March: 41494; Digital Parcel Improvement – Data Capture Investigation. Land Information New Zealand.

This investigative project is to assess the suitability of 3rd party providers, to back-capture boundary information from previously un-captured metric survey plans (generally 1973-2001).

The project aims to develop and test data capture processes which seek to address key quality or completeness aspects required for ‘partial data capture’ from metric CSDs. These processes are intended to identify the most cost efficient way to capture sufficient data for parcel improvement. They may also provide information that assists with improving LINZ’s integration of CSDs.

The aim of the data capture phase within the project is to test the viability of the optimised process developed and will assist in further developing LINZ’s preferred approach (or an alternate approach) to upgrading digital parcel accuracy across New Zealand.

Sabrina Baker Email: procurementteam@linz.govt.nz


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