27 November: 16995599; Ngauranga To Airport Transport Modelling. New Zealand Transport Agency.
The NZ Transport Agency, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Wellington City Council (the “Project Partners”) wish to develop a transport modelling suite and framework to evaluate transport investments identified in the Ngauranga to Airport (N2A) Corridor Strategy such as Bus Rapid Transit (and other Bus network improvements), inner-city Roads of National Significance, and pedestrian and cycle improvements. Also the modelling suite and framework will need to evaluate investments yet to be identified from an updated Network Operating Plan for both State Highway 1 and local road networks. The modelling suite and framework will support key decisions on developing transport improvements in Wellington. Traffic signal operation is fundamental and integral to the transport system in the CBD. It is important for the modelling suite and framework to have the ability to capture this aspect and have the ability to assess potential changes to these signals and the impacts on the wider transport network and road users.
Sara Duckworth, +64 (0)4 894 6339, sara.duckworth@nzta.govt.nz.
2 December: 16990021; Capture of 3D Buildings for GIS System. Tauranga City. New Zealand.
Tauranga City Council are venturing into an exciting 3D transition of our GIS system to help make better decisions and visualisation of our city. we invite you to submit a tender to capture high quality 3D buildings for our ESRI environment.
Tim Watson, +64 (0)7 577 7046, tim.watson@tauranga.govt.nz.
8 December: CCS028415; Develop RTLP Integrated Asset Management Plan. City of Charles Sturt. South Australia.
To develop the River Torrens Linear Park (RTLP) Integrated Strategic Asset Management Plan.
Paul Whatling, +61 (0)8 8408 1247.
11 December: VT10215; Feral Animal and Weed Mapping, Monitoring and Control at Various Sites in Victoria and Tasmania. Australian Government.
This project requires comprehensive feral animal and weed mapping and control planning to be conducted at multiple Defence sites in Victoria and Tasmania. Sites included in this project are HMAS Cerberus, Monegeetta, Swan Island, Longlea, Simpson Barracks, RAAF East Sale, RAAF Williams Point Cook, RAAF Williams Range, Fort Direction Ammunition Storage Facility, Buckland Military Training Area, Stoney Head Training Area and Derwent Barracks.
Anneke Monte, +61 (0)3 9672 6450, augility.procurement@ap.jll.com.
15 December: ACC028463; Supply of Adelaide City Population Growth Research Study. Adelaide City Council. South Australia.
More details at above URL.
16 December: 16980177; 15/16-152 EOI for Land Title Review Programme. Christchurch City Council. New Zealand.
Christchurch City Council (the Council) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) from suitably prospective suppliers able to undertake a review of selected land titles comprising approximately 25 properties owned by Council that may be transferred to a Community Housing Provider (CHP).
The review encompasses:
- Assessment of the land title to determine whether Council has an obligation under the Public Works Act 1981, Section 40 to offer back the land, to the original owners (or descendants of the owners) at a market value; and
- Assist, if directed in the offer back process.
Colin S Hill, +64 (0) 3 941 5075.
17 December: 27394.110; Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) – Total Facility Management (TFM). Treasury and Economic Development Directorate. Australian Capital Territory.
Registration of Interest for Total Facilities Maintenance across the ACT.
Tenders ACT Team, +61 (0)2 62077377, TendersACT@act.gov.au.
18 December: 16989609; Consultancy Services for Kapiti Coast Strategic Cycle Network Project (Stride n Ride). Kapiti Coast District Council. New Zealand.
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite interested/short listed parties to submit their proposals to provide design services for the Kapiti Coast Strategic Cycle Network Project, ‘Stride ‘N Ride’, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Project’ in accordance with this RFP.
While the number of cyclists in Kapiti is gradually increasing, there is potential for a step change in mode share if investment is strategically targeted. Seamless connections to local roads effectively end for active transport modes at the expressway designation boundary. Improvements to the East/West primary corridors that address connectivity and safety are the key to delivering an integrated cycling network in the Kapiti District.
Stuart Kilmister, +64 (0)4 296 4631, stuart.kilmister@kapiticoast.govt.nz.
14 January: 26287.110; ACT Streetlight Assets. Treasury and Economic Development Directorate. Australian Capital Territory.
The purpose of this Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) is to access information to determine the best way forward for the Territory in its management of the streetlight assets.
Tenders ACT Team, +61 (0)2 62077377, TendersACT@act.gov.au.