Tenders 16/7/13

By on 16 July, 2013

25 July: WAPOL03013; Water Police Coast Radio System Upgrade; Western Australia Police. WA Police is seeking a supplier to provide an upgrade for its Coast Radio System to enable it to maintain its emergency marine communications functions. This upgrade will include the supply of hardware and software components, installation and configuration, software licensing requirements and training.

For documents, contact Mary Jo Gomez-Jackson <maryjo.gomez-jackson@finance.wa.gov.au> on +61-8- 6551-1403; technical enquiries to Carol Bowen <carol.bowen@police.wa.gov.au>.



2 August: RFT2013/1264; Remote Very Small Aperture Terminal Telecommunication Services; Geoscience Australia. GA requires dedicated data transmission services over VSAT satellite links, for continuous near real time data between a number of Geoscience Australia remote sites within Australia, direct to a hub at either at Geoscience Australia and BoM or the provider’s site for on-forwarding to GA and BoM. Through network latencies must be kept to minimum (around 2 seconds or better) to ensure timeliness of data.

Contact Tony Whitty on +61-2-6249-9797, or email <contracts@ga.gov.au>.



2 August: RFT 2013/2797; Onshore Acquisition, Processing and Modelling/Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data and Related Services [Panel];  Geoscience Australia. GA wishes to undertake onshore magnetotelluric projects for geoscientific studies. In addition, it has a responsibility to deliver onshore

magnetotelluric data acquisition and processing under agreements with state and territory agencies. It seeks to assemble a panel, comprising three categories:

  1. Onshore Magnetotelluric Data Acquisition;
  2. Onshore Magnetotelluric Processing Service; and
  3. Magnetotelluric Modelling/Inversion Service

By this RFT Geoscience Australia seeks to assess the technical suitability of tenderers, to supply on an as required basis, the specialist services.

Contact Tony Whitty on +61-2-6249-9797, or email <contracts@ga.gov.au>.



6 August: MRC2014003; Survey Services [Panel]; Mackay Regional Council, Qld. Council is seeking submissions in order to identify a panel of preferred suppliers for surveying services for Engineering and Cadastral surveys, on an as required basis.

Contact Kylie Kavanagh <kylie.kavanagh@mackay.qld.gov.au> on +61-7-4961-9848.



12 August: TfNSW 2013/008; Transport ERP Program Phase 3 – Systems Integration Services [restricted tender]; Transport NSW. Proposals are sought for this tender, which is restricted to authorised contractors.

For all enquiries and information, contact Dave Grosvenor on +61-2-8265-6205, or email: <rfeoitfnsw2013.008@transport.nsw.gov.au>.



14 August: DPIPWE 1068; Remotely Sensed Data Acquisition; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tas. The department seeks contractors for a three year standing offer to be a member of a panel of suppliers who may be required to undertake the acquisition, post processing and delivery of remotely sensed imagery and data within Tasmania. The tenderer must be able to meet [at minimum] either the ICSM LiDAR Acquisition specifications or the ICSM Acquisition Specifications for Orthorectified Aerial Imagery.

Contact Andrew Tomes <andrew.tomes@dpipwe.tas.gov.au> on +61-3-6233-3723.



14 August: AGR2014002; Line Surveying and Clearing of Land; Department of Agriculture and Food, WA. DAFWA seeks a qualified surveyor and clearing contractor(s) of land for the State Barrier Fence – Yilgarn Gap. The existing fence stretches 1,170 kilometres. Its purpose is to minimise the impact of migrating emus, wild dogs and kangaroos in the Southwest Land Division.  The Request covers the entire length of the Yilgarn Gap and is split into three sections, each between 50 and 60 kilometres:

Contact Nicolle Pomeroy <nicolle.pomeroy@finance.wa.gov.au> on +61-8-9965-7104.



28 July: TC45/13; 2D Stormwater Modelling Program, 2013/2014; Tauranga City Council, NZ. Council seeks tenders for building and validation of 2D Mike Flood models for several catchments within the City, to enable their use for flood hazard mapping.

Contact Dayananda Kapugama <Dayananda.Kapugama@tauranga.govt.nz>.



2 August: RFX-365; Infrastructure Data Collection; New Zealand Defence Force.

NZDF is seeking expressions of interest for a performance assessment on all estate infrastructure assets and provide the data in a format that can easily populate NZDF’s asset management system, SAP. NZDF has a financial reporting requirement, based on objective data collection, to revalue land, buildings (including housing and infrastructure) and specialist military equipment with sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amount does not differ materially from fair value. A tender briefing will be held at DPG in Upper Hutt on19 July; register attendance at https://nzdf.bravosolution.com.

Contact Michelle Ward on email: <defence.commercial.services@nzdf.mil.nz>.



27 August: DMOLSD/RFT0019/2013; Mobile Information and Communication Technology; Defence Materiel Organisation [Aust], Land Systems Division.

Tenders are sought for an MICT Capability for the Australian Defence Force under project JP2097 Phase 1B. This project is responsible for the identification, acquisition and support (5 years of support, followed by two 5 year options) of a range of commercial style MICT devices and the linkage of these devices to specialised Defence networks and infrastructure. The MICT capability is a complex system for which the Commonwealth seeks a ‘turn-key’ solution. The RFT contains specific security provisions. Only persons holding a valid SECRET personnel security clearance and who are nationals of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the US can access the material.

Contact Alecia Dwumah on +61-3-9282-4785, or email: <NSOC.MICT@defence.gov.au>.

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