Tenders 16/4/13

By on 16 April, 2013

17 April: 13/624; Floodplain Risk Management Consultancy Services; Hurstville City Council, NSW. Council is seeking expressions of interest for a floodplain risk management study for the whole of the Hurstville LGA. The study is the first stage of council’s Floodplain Risk Management Plan and will comprise data collection and floodplain mapping. Register at www.tendelink.com/hurstville.
Contact Oman Wijayaratna on +61-2-9330-6218.



24 April: LG0212013; Total Station and RTK Survey System; Landgate, WA.
The Western Australian Land Information Authority (Landgate) requires a Precise Total Station which will be used for the calibration of the state metropolitan and regional baselines for the use and benefit of surveyors. The instrument must be certifiable by an independent testing authority to ensure compliance with the provisions of legal traceability. Also required is a Real Time Kinematic Survey System.
For documents, contact Michelle Kendall <michelle.kendall@landgate.wa.gov.au> on +61-8- 9273-7072; technical enquiries to Chief Geodetic Surveyor Ken Leighton <ken.leighton@landgate.wa.gov.au> on +61-8-9273-7114.



30 April: UW330008; SCADA Outstation Upgrade; Unitywater , Qld. Unitywater is undertaking a whole of network (sewer and water) SCADA and Telemetry system upgrade with the intention of converting 11 separate control systems into one common SCADA platform (application and RTU). The broader Upgrade Project is split into two main phases for both procurement strategy and technical benefits: Phase 1is near completion, comprises design, development, and proving the new SCADA system; while Phase 2 comprises various stages, and is dedicated to delivery and deployment of the system (electrical, instrumentation, telemetry and controls) to outstations. The purpose of this contract is to progress electrical design, supply, installation and commissioning of outstation cutovers to the new platform. A mandatory site visit will be held on19 April. Register attendance with Sonya Hargreaves on +61-7-5431 -8280, or email: <SCADA@unitywater.com>.
For documents, contact Jessica Knott on +61-7-5475-3722; technical enquiries to  Andy Wyer on email <forums@unitywater.com>.



30 April: 916214.60; Survey of Gem Lake Station, Moa Flat, for Tenure Review; Land Information New Zealand. LINZ seeks tenders for the survey of a high country station for tenure review. Tenderers must have all the experience and skills associated with this type of survey, including interpretation of old survey records, and historical survey practices. Experience is also essential working in sub-alpine conditions.
Contact Shelley Ross <shelley.ross@walegal.co.nz> at Wilkinson Adams Lawyers on +64-3-477-9844.



7 May: ACPN_10483; Hydraulic Modelling and Flood Hazard Mapping; Auckland Council, NZ. Tenders are sought to develop hydraulic and hydrological models for the Pukekohe South Tutaenui catchment to comply with council’s Stormwater Flood Modelling Specification.
Contact Malo Wong <malo.wong@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz>  on +64-9-261-8482.



7 May: 2013/373T; Floodplain Risk Management Plan; City of Newcastle, NSW. Tenders are invited for a study that will determine the feasibility of recommended works in the adopted Wallsend Commercial Centre Floodplain Risk Management Plan. It will look at the plans in isolation and in combination, and will develop an implementation strategy based on the flood risk and resourcing available. A non-mandatory pre-tender meeting will be held on 23 April [11am Newcastle Council].
Documents are available at www.tenderlink.com/newcastle.
Contact Clare McLay on +61-2-4974-2419.



9 May: EOI 319293; Regional Flood Mapping; Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Vic. The Department of Sustainability and Environment is seeking expressions of interest to undertake regional scale flood mapping in Victoria. Interested parties are invited to submit relevant experience and capabilities, and outline methodology to undertake robust regional flood risk mapping. Following evaluation, preferred parties will be invited to tender for a small number of pilot studies. These pilot studies will evaluate a range of methodologies for a broader implementation across regional riverine floodplains.
Download documents at www.tenders.vic.gov.au.
Contact Steven Muncaster on +61-3- 9637-9446.



13 May: RFT2013/997; Panel, Hydrogeological Services; Geoscience Australia.
GA is seeking to establish a pre-qualified panel of suppliers capable of providing Hydrogeological/Hydrogeochemisty services to assist it in its role of advisor to government on groundwater-based issues. Pre-qualified service providers will be invited to tender or submit quotes for services as required.  The Panel will be maintained for three years with the option to extend for a further two periods of one year.
Contact Tony Whitty on +61-2-6249-9797, or email <contracts@ga.gov.au>.



14 May: TCN007/13; Footpath Condition Rating Inspection; City of Port Adelaide Enfield, SA. Council seeks tenders for these services.
Contact James Nenke on +61-8-8405-6992.



17 May: TfNSW 2013/008; Transport ERP Program Phase 3; Transport for NSW. TfNSW invites expressions of interest for services for its ERP Program – Phase 3 Implementation, Maintenance and Operation. TfNSW will hold an industry briefing in Sydneyon17 April 2013; notify intention at attend to <rfeoitfnsw2013.008@transport.nsw.gov.au> before 5pm, 16 April.
Contact Dave Grosvenor on +61-2-8574-3698; mob: 0419-014-639, or email: <rfeoitfnsw2013.008@transport.nsw.gov.au>.



21 May: NO 13-884; Traffic Monitoring National Telemetry Network; New Zealand Transport Agency. NZTA seeks a consultant who can provide consistent high quality and timely traffic monitoring data.  The National Telemetry Network provides data for high level reporting. Required services include:
• Maintenance of traffic monitoring sites, to include Weight-in-Motion.
• Data collection and validation to provide the highest quality traffic data using proven quality assurance practices.
• Installation of new traffic monitoring sites to national standard specifications.
• Associated data processing, uploading and reporting.
Three-year contract, with the opportunity for two one-year extensions.
Contact Geraldine Christmas <geraldine.christmas@nzta.govt.nz>.



24 May; Information Communications Technology; Shire of Campaspe, Vic. Council is undertaking a Business Transformation Program and has issued an expression of interest and request for information. In the EOI [13010 ICT] Local Government Systems and Support, council is seeking expressions of interest for the delivery of applications software to the council for its services. For the RFI [13011] ICT Infrastructure Upgrade, council seeks information on the provision of an integrated ICT Infrastructure platform and associated implementation and support services.
Download documents at www.campaspe.vic.gov.au.

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