17 January: DoH1274313; Provision of Simulation Modelling Software. Department of Health, WA.
Provision of Simulation Modelling Software for Fiona Stanley Hospital and Perth Children’s Hospital.
Contractual enquiries: Lence Poposka, Procurement Officer (08) 62135647 lence.poposka@finance.wa.gov.au.
Technical enquiries: Trish Morrell (FSH), Manager Service Commissioning (08) 9237 8354 trish.morrell@health.wa.gov.au OR Tristan Fraser (PCH) Project Manager (08) 6229 3610 tristan.morrell@health.wa.gov.au.
24 January: APRA-2014.083; Business Intelligence Solution. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
The following items are in scope of this RFP:
- Online Services/Presentation Layer
- Reporting
- Data Control
- Data Management
- Integration with existing APRA authentication technologies
Victor Huang 02 9210 3495 procurement@apra.gov.au
28 January: CTTG025251; EOI: Asset Management Information System (AMIS). City of Tea Tree Gully, SA.
Registrants are invited to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for an Asset Management Information System Software Solution as described in the EOI documents.
Enquiries: Andrew Craig (08) 8397 7378
4 February: TMRGT1306; STANDING OFFER ARRANGEMENT – Provision of Surveying Services. Department of Transport and Main Roads, Qld – Engineering and Technology.
Offers are invited by the State of Queensland (acting through the Department of Transport and Main Roads) in relation to Invitation to Offer No. TMRGT1306 for the establishment of a Standing Offer Arrangement for the provision of surveying services as specified in the Invitation to Offer document.
Enquiries: Wayne Smith (07) 3066 8061 wayne.p.smith@tmr.qld.gov.au
Technical: David Zannes (07) 3066 6752 david.c.zannes@tmr.qld.gov.au OR Soledad Rodriguez (07) 30662053 soledad.t.rodriguez@tmr.qld.gov.au.
04 February: CCS025225; Open Space Strategy Review 2013-2027. City of Charles Sturt, SA.
Councils current Open Space Strategy is now seven years old. A number of actions have been implemented in that time, mostly in relation to the redevelopment of reserves on the current matrix. The current strategy is predominately focussed on passive recreation outcomes and does not reflect the current and emerging issues for open space within the city.
Enquires: Trevor Ash 08 8408 1287
07 February: 1562-3-100; NRM Planning for Climate Change Spatial Identification of Climate Change Impacts. Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Vic.
A comprehensive spatial climate change impact assessment that considers multiple asset classes and values. The assessment will include the use of currently available data to reflect the outcomes being pursued, coupled with the addition of new data resulting from research. Develop recommendations on an appropriate framework and decision support process aimed at assisting CMAs in identifying priority locations in the landscape for adaption and mitigation activities.
(See URL above for enquiries)
07 February: EOI2013-6221; EOI for the Supply, Configuration and ongoing Maintenance of a Software Asset Management Solution. Geoscience Australia.
The purpose of this procurement is to identify Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) or Open Source (OS) software to be used as a Software Asset Management (SAM) solution that will enable the provision of timely and efficient software services to aid the day to day operation of Geoscience Australia projects by the Software Asset Team (SAT).
The Procurement is anticipated to involve two (2) stages. The first being an Expression of Interest (EOI), as a scoping activity, seeking potential suppliers interested in providing the SAM solution. Should the Evaluation Team (ET) recommend that procurement be made as a result of the EOI, a second stage will be undertaken, which may take the form of a Prequalified Response through which shortlisted organisations will be chosen to participate as a result of the Stage 1 EOI evaluation.
Notwithstanding the above, Geoscience Australian reserves the right to enter into negotiations with a preferred vendor that the ET has identified as a result of EOI.
Tony Whitty 02 6249 9797 contracts@ga.gov.au
21 February: 4559; Development of Biodiversity Offsets Model. Department of Conservation, NZ – Waikato conservancy.
Biodiversity offsetting requires the quantification of biodiversity losses and gains and their expression in a currency to provide the ecological basis for exchange. This is then balanced in an accounting model to demonstrate whether or not no net loss can be achieved. Condition-area models attempt to address some of the limitations associated with offsets based on area of habitat only. In New Zealand they have been implemented in complex Excel spreadsheets that have been criticised as difficult to use, lacking in transparency and ability to effectively communicate results, and that their complexity facilitates the propagation of errors. In addition, their complex internal structure has been criticised as not facilitating retrospective interrogation.
This RFP seeks innovative solutions to the development of a condition-area model for estimating no net loss for ‘like for like’ biodiversity offsets.
Laurence Barea lbarea@doc.govt.nz