Tenders 12/8/14

By on 12 August, 2014

29 August 2014: MD2808; Aerial Waterbird Survey of Specified Environmental Assets 2014-18. Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

The Services will include undertaking an aerial survey to collect waterbird population and recruitment data and information across the Basin in a fit-for-purpose manner to support statutory obligations under the Basin Plan.

All enquiries for this Request for Tender must be directed to the contact officer via email.

Procurement and Contracts Unit (02) 6279 0100 tenders@mdba.gov.au.  http://www.mdba.gov.au.



2 September 2014: 2778424; 2014-169 Asset Management Research Topics 4. NZ Transport Agency.

The Transport Agency is now seeking proposals for the following asset management research topics, approved for investment in the 2014/15 Research Programme:

ART 14/11: Expected maintenance rates for pavement surfaces.

ART 14/12: How can NZ make the transition from visual condition rating of cracking, shoving and ravelling to automatic data collection.

ART 14/13: Pavement moisture measurement to indicate risk to pavement life.

Please email the Corporate Procurement Team up to 5pm time Monday 18 August 2014 for any queries.

Contact: Corporate Procurement Procurement.Team@nzta.govt.nz.



9 September 2014: 3090132; Survey of Cora Lynn Station, Bealey, Canterbury for Tenure Review. Quotable Value Limited (Rural Value) on behalf of Land Information New Zealand.

Quotable Value Limited (Rural Value) on behalf of Land Information New Zealand invites contractors to tender for the surveying of Cora Lynn pastoral lease.

This is a contract for the survey of a high country station for tenure review and requires the contractor to be resourced as follows:

  • Proven experience and logistical skills relating to large rural and high country based cadastral surveys.
  • Must be fully conversant with previous types of historical survey field practices, such as chain and compass surveys, that are typically encountered on tenure review surveys.
  • Aptitude in researching and interpreting old survey records.
  • Ability to undertake e-surveys.
  • Adequate staff and resources to meet timelines.
  • Sound financial basis and able to withstand interruptions to contract.
  • Adequate and relevant technology
  • Appropriate Health and Safety Plan covering all aspects of the services including working in a subalpine environment
  • Appropriate quality assurance procedures
  • Training, proven experience and resources for 4WD use and working around helicopters
  • Knowledge of relevant tenure review legislation and the tenure review process.

A full list of contractor requirements and ‘Survey Evaluation Criteria’ is included in the Tender Document available at the above URL.

An on-site inspection will take place on a date to be advised, please register your interest to attend with the Project Manager:

Carolyne Latham
Project Manager
Quotable Value Limited (Rural Value)
62 Riccarton Rd
PO Box 13-443
Christchurch 8141

DDI: (03) 343 9029
Mobile: 027 203 3567
Email: carolyne.latham@ruralvalue.co.nz



12 September 2014: MRWA015413; Panel Contract for the Provision of Engineering Surveying, Mapping and Laser Scanning Services. Main Roads Western Australia.

Panel Contract for the Provision of Engineering Surveying, Mapping and Laser Scanning Services across Western Australia.

Closes at Fri, 12 Sep 2014 at 2:30PM Perth, Western Australia

Submit your response in hardcopy to Don Aitken Centre , Waterloo Crescent, East Perth, WA , 6004, OFFICE: (08) 93234111, FAX: (08) 93234605.


Technical: Haydn Bufton, A/Survey & Geopatial Svcs Mgr. PH: (08) 93234655 FAX: (08) 93234449 haydn.bufton@mainroads.wa.gov.au

Contractual:  Aniza Zarol A/Procurement Manager General. PH: (08) 93234468 FAX: (08) 93234605 aniza.zarol@mainroads.wa.gov.au.

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