10 March: RFT1422300; Satellite surveillance for Heard and Macdonald Islands. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service.
Satellite Surveillance Services for the Heard and McDonald Islands (HIMI) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and potentially other areas of importance within the AEEZ .
Contact: Manager RFT 1422300 national_procurement_contracting@customs.gov.au.
31 March: 9452205; Request for Proposals for the Supply of a “Hydrodynamic model and residence times of the Waikato west coast for Waikato Regional Council, NZ.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued to enable the Council to identify a Respondent for the provision of a hydrodynamic model, bathymetry and water column data and residence times for the Waikato west coast, including estuaries.
Contact: Hilke Giles hilke.giles@waikatoregion.govt.nz.
1 April: 15-01; Supply, Implementation and Management of a GIS. The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust, Victoria.
The provision, implementation, integration and ongoing support of a Geographic Information System (GIS) software solution for GMCT.
See above website for more details.