Tenders 02/2/2015

By on 3 February, 2015

Closing 9 February 2015: 8343997; Mapping natural character and natural features and landscapes in the coastal environment of Otago. Otago Region.

[No description available.]

Contact Ralph Henderson at ralph.henderson@orc.govt.nz or call +64 3 4740827.



Closing 16 February 2015: PRI-00003258; Services to examine current capabilities of Australia’s civil space industry. Department of Industry and Science.

The department is seeking a service provider to collect and analyse data to improve understanding of the current capabilities of Australia’s civil space industry and future industry opportunities.

The service provider must have experience in, or demonstrated knowledge of Australia’s civil space industry and demonstrated experience in collecting and analysing complex data.

The objective of this work is to provide an evidence base of current Australian industry capability in civil space.

The outputs of this work will be used to inform the department’s understanding of Australia’s civil space industry.

The service provider is required to deliver a final report that identifies: Australia’s industry capability in civil space; domestic and global supply chain opportunities in civil space; growth opportunities in civil space applications for domestic and international markets; and case studies of Australian organisations that have found success in commercial civil space activities.

Contact: Project Officer at space@industry.gov.au.



Closing 27 February 2015: 8347608; Pre-1990 Planted Forest Plot Network Field Inventory. NZ Ministry for the Environment

The Ministry for the Environment (the Ministry), is seeking proposals for the collection of plot data from the LUCAS pre-1990 planted forest plot network during the winter of 2015.

A forest carbon inventory approach has been developed to estimate carbon stock and stock change in New Zealand’s plantation forest estate in order to meet our reporting requirements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. The inventory approach has been designed to meet Good Practice Guidance (IPCC-GPG) for national greenhouse gas inventory reporting.

Pre-1990 planted forests were first inventoried in 2010 and are scheduled for re-measurement in 2015. Re-measurement of forests is required to obtain accurate estimates because the planted forest estate changes through time with the adoption of new forest management practices, species composition changes and improvement in tree genetics. Re-measurement also validates modelled assumptions on growth rate. The LUCAS pre-1990 planted forest inventory involves the collection of ground-based plot data to produce unbiased and accurate estimates of carbon stock change.

The work required for this project includes the collection of ground based plot data from the LUCAS pre-1990 planted forest plot network during the winter of 2015.

Contact Erin Oldfield at procurement@mfe.govt.nz.



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